Chapter 15.

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I should've known. I should've fucking known.

I should've known it from the very first moment. The moment 'Luke' said all those sweet and lovable things. I should've known Luke wasn't Luke. He should've told me at first. He said he hasn't got any brothers or sisters. But obviously he has. He has a freaking twin brother! Luke has a fucking twin brother and he didn't even bother to tell me.

It turns out that it wasn't Luke who said all of those cute things. Luke doesn't want to grow old with me. He just didn't want to hurt my feelings so he asked his twin brother for help.

His brother, who's name is Jack, confessed everything to me. He's a really cool guy by the way. He told me everything ;

Luke asked him for help. He wanted me back. But Luke didn't know what to say to me. He was afraid that he would mess it up again. So Jack offered to help him out. They decided that Jack would say all those sweet things to me. Then he would send me to my locker to get my stuff. Meanwhile, they switched again and the real Luke took me to the beach. We made out. Not just a normal make out session, but one full of passion. I regret it so much now. I just should've noticed it from the first moment. Like I said. I still can't believe how I ever got so stupid. But now. I hope Luke regrets this all. Because I'm not saying one more word to him.

Jack and I are good friends now. I was thankful that at least someone was being honest with me. Jack said that Luke never talked about him, because he's afraid he gets embarrassed. But Luke should know that I really care about him. After all he'd done so far (The last three months), I still really cared about him.

Jack didn't understand me. He said that if a girl would do all this to him, he would give up on her. But I can't. I think, after all, Luke is the one that I'm supposed to be with. I love him.

But if he really loves me too. He would come to me and confess everything. And he would apologize for anything and everything.

I would jump into his arms. He would kiss my neck, the way only he can. And we could forget about everything. We could just make a fresh start. We could really live a happily ever after.

But he won't. He's just such a jerk. He won't ever give in. Never. Boys are always right and the girl should apologise.

*Knock Knock*

What the hell? Who is at the door at this time?

I open the door, looking grumpy.

"What do you want?" I say, without taking an actual look at who's at my door. I just keep on staring at my shoes.

"Hey Mackie." A familiar, manly voice says.

My head shoots up.

"Luke? what are you doing here?"  I ask. Confused.

"I know Jack you everything. And I came here to apologise and explain, if you let me. I know it's all my fault, so please don't slam the door." he says. Looking guilty as hell.

"Luke. You don't have to explain anything." I answer, smiling.

His cheeks turn red. It's so cute.

Before he's able to say something;  I wrap my hands around his neck and peck him on the lips. I can tell he's surprised but he immediately kisses me back.

"I love you Mckenzie."

"I love you too. Let's just never fight again."

"Deal! But I liked the fact that you were playing Hard to get." he smiles his beautiful smile. I missed him.

"I know, right?" I wink at him.

"Let's get upstairs. Your bed is waiting." He smiles.

"You're so sneaky haha. I love you."

"I know. I've always loved you. You're my baby girl. My princess."

I smile as I lock my door behind me and we run up the stairs, to my room.


So you guys like the happy ever after?

I know. It's very legit, this happy ending. But it felt so good to write it.

I hope you feel happy reading it. :)

I love ya♥

Stay Beautiful★

-Xx- Rose

P.s: It's not the actual end. There's coming another scene. But if you are under the age of 12, I advice you NOT to read it. If you're younger than 12 years old, this chapter was the end of the story. 

P.P.S: I know Jack and Luke aren't twins but it's fiction so I can do whatever I want cx

Thank you all so much for reading. Please check out my other fanfics.

Stay Beautiful!♡

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