Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sara walked through her clan's little village in a daze. Fellow witches gave some confused looks as they greeted her but she continued on by. She was usually so full of spirit she knew they must be worried but she was feeling so much joy at this moment, she wanted only to get to her small cottage and contemplate the future. Maybe try seeking out visions again.

They use to come so easily but the scales now prevented her from seeing much of anything that was useful to her dear friend, Alec. Oh, that man was the sun to her world. He shined so much light during the times when she could only feel darkness, but he was destined for another and did not even know.

She entered her cottage with her thoughts back tracking to the all elemental witch. She had characteristics of all elements blazing inside her tiny frame as well as the power to cast spells.

Then, she also carried the weight of premonitions. So much power in that tiny body being pent up for so long had to be exhausting! She wanted to help Samriah—

Sara felt the presence before she saw it but her powers were so weak now compared to how they usually were when the balance was at equilibrium. She reached for her powers but they were slow to react. She tried to scream out as something jarred her head multiple times and she felt her body crashing down to the ground. Pain exploded behind her eyelids with each brutal hit and she could feel her soul slowly flowing out of her body.

The hits stopped and she opened one swollen eye to see a fire witch. One of Liliths pets. She smiled down at Sara. "My Lady will be quite pleased with the soul of a light witch." Sara did not react. She felt her last moments should not be spent throwing wasted energy to the devil's pet. The witch squatted down next to Sara, still smiling. She looked beautiful of course, all the fire witches did. Her deep blue eyes crinkled on the ends as she smiled and her angular nose looked delicate like her body beneath the dark cloak.

The witch quickly snatched the Nykood from Sara's arms and that made her yell out which caused more pain in her head. She felt the wetness quickly forming around her. It was her own blood. The witch stood and flipped the pages with delight written all over her face. "Yes, My Lady will love this indeed!" She gave a squeal of delight.

"Alec will come. He will slay... all of you...make you pay in blood for what you have done.​ ..For what you are taking." The young fire witch scoffed at Sara's words. Her energy was fading fast and her soul was hastened to a dark tether she could not see but she felt its nasty grip. The witch looked down at Sara and said, "Let us all hope he has inherited the sky people's immortality because Lilith will kill him repeatedly before she wills him to bow down to her, the true Mother!"

Sara's heart sputtered at the thought of Alec being caught in Lilith's claws but she could do nothing now. She watched with horror and deep anguish as the fire witch lifted her leg and stomped on Sara's face until death answered her plea and her soul flew down into the depths of


Samriah felt the ​zap​ again as their lips touched but neither gave much notice. The kiss began soft and gentle as if they were testing new ground but when Elijah growled deep within his throat, Samriah gasped and he took advantage of the opportunity. His tongue thrust into those soft lips and danced with hers. She sucked on his bottom lip making his thick member twitch. Her hands grasped his neck and his arms went around her body pressing them closer as their kiss deepened. Samriah could feel the burn between her legs, a pounding in her ears and the images in her mind were of arms and legs tangled, ​their​ arms and legs, in a giant bed with black satin sheets. His hand gently grasped her upper arm when suddenly a sharp pain stabbed her beneath that hand. The images disintegrated and made her jerk away from him. His eyes opened and he frowned at her "What—" A rumble vibrated in his chest as he grabbed his neck.

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