Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Samriah woke up to a wonderful smell and a delicious coppery taste in her mouth. She tried to remember what events occurred before opening her eyes. Witches, coven, offer, wendigos, Diana, Merick, darkness. She slowly opened her eyes, waiting to see how much pain it'd cost her but she felt great. She sat up and looked around. She was in a bed in a loft and Elijah was slumped over in a chair. She looked down at herself and noticed she was still in her clothes. Good. I'd hate to wake up in one of those long ass skirts.

She tried to quietly get out of the bed but Elijah jerked awake and hit his head against the encroaching roof. "Ow." He deadpanned while rubbing his head. Samriah covered her mouth to stifle the laughter. He smiled. "I'm glad you find that funny. It's happened about 20 times now." They both sat on the bed and before she realized what she was doing she put her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was a long gentle fulfilling kiss. When she pulled away and opened her eyes he was looking at her like she was a dream come true.

Nervousness crept in so she pulled away and looked down. "How is Alec?" He took so long to answer she looked up at him, afraid he was going to say something awful but he knew she was hiding from him. Hiding her thoughts and emotions. She could tell by the look of disappointment on his face and she was shocked at how much it hurt her to be the source of his disappointment.

"He's been waiting so let's not keep him waiting any longer." He stood up and traced to the lower part of the house. "Lets go." He called out. Samriah looked over the edge and reached to him with her mind. As always, he was open to her and when they connected she traced to his side. He shook his head, baffled. "How are you doing that?" She shrugged. "I don't know. It happened during the battle. I can't figure out how I did it but I know if my mind touches yours I can trace to you."

He stared unblinking at her. "What?" She asked. "You touch my mind only to use that ability." It wasn't a question but again it was disappointment in his tone. She felt herself deflate then silently cursed herself. Don't. Get. Attached. She cleared her throat. "We should get going." He looked away then led them outside and into another tiny house. She felt herself tense up when the sunlight hit them and Elijah started to turn red. The house was luckily next door so he was out of the sun quickly but she felt her heart break while looking at his wounds. He did that because of her and she knew it. She was hurting him to protect herself but if he hurt she hurt too.

"There you are. How are you feeling?" Ivy asked while sipping something out of a mug in her hands. Necey was playing with a doll while her wild black curls stuck out around her little body. She was watching a cartoon and brushing the dolls hair. I couldn't help but smile before turning towards Ivy and Alec who was sitting at her side. "The real question is how is everyone?"

Alec looked at Samriah and smiled. "You did ok." She scoffed. "I kicked a—butt and you know it." He shook his head. "That fire was definitely hell fire but I don't know what you did to it when you turned it against Merick. It burned twice as bad." Samriah smiled and couldn't help but look at Elijah but he was looking away from her. Clearly still upset and hurt.

"The witches who survived are healing and taking care of our dead." Ivy's eyes glistened and she cleared her throat before continuing. "We are thankful you all were here to help us. You have extraordinary gifts, Samriah." She was hinting to see what Samriah's answer would be, although she probably already assumed what everyone else seemed to be thinking. It would be a no.

"You can feel what your brother feels and vice versa?" Samriah asked Alec. She wasn't ready to decide just yet. Luckily he went right with it and didn't question her changing the subject. "Yes but only the more serious injuries. So, when I took the blow to the head he bled as well."

"What did he mean he found it? What is it?" Elijah spoke up. He squeezed Sarmiah's knee and she held his hand under the table. She may not want a serious commitment with him but she couldn't help wanting him. "Addict," her inner bitch uttered. She mentally rolled her eyes.

"He thought he found a way to hurt me without hurting himself but obviously it didn't work. Once he realized that he retreated. He's been looking for a way to sever our connection for centuries but he hasn't found one yet."

Ivy apparently couldn't wait any longer. "Samriah, my coven would like to know if you will accept our offer." Samriah sighed. "Would I have to live here?" She asked. Ivy perked up. "Of course not. There are members who do not live here with us but you would need to visit with us every day. Your home away from us would probably be more of just a place to sleep." Samriah fidgeted with Elijah's hand under the table. She could feel his mind touching hers offering support.

"What about a job?"

"Many of us have jobs in town. The Marshall women have a business in town that many of us work at. As well as Debbie Schkade who owns a bookstore and bakery." Samriah cringed. "I'm more like a cop."

Alec decided to cut in. "According to a new voicemail this morning, I have a meeting with some government officials—" Samriah's premonition abilities decided to kick in at that moment. She saw a smiling Alec shaking hands with a glowering Rick while other men were behind Alec and bright flashes of light were going off around the men. When reality came back into focus all eyes were on her.

"What did you see?" Ivy asked. "Geez, is it that obvious—"

"What did you see, Samriah?" Alec's voice was like a whip and she stopped her body from wanting to cringe away. He wasn't the damn alpha and she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. "Watch your tone." She glared at him. "I saw you shaking hands with a pissed off Rodrick and cameras were flashing." Alec nodded. She was about to tell him about what had happened with Rodrick when Elijah's voice sounded in her head. I filled him in while you were out. She stupidly nodded before realizing he had said it only to her.

"If its going to go that well then you will probably have your job back." Samriah smiled. She couldn't help it. She really did love her job. Ivy cleared her throat and looked at Samriah expectantly. Samriah said,"I have conditions."

Ivy grinned. "Name them."

"We have got to change the whole giving up the boys. Once my job is set again I will have a tiny house here in case I want to stay but its not guaranteed. Also, I want all the witches in this coven to learn hand to hand combat. We are not getting devastation like we did just a few hours ago." Ivy nodded to each request then stuck out her hand. Samriah shook it. "We have a home ready for you and so much to discuss."

Necey started to complain about being tired so Samriah, Elijah, and Alec said their good-bye's and set off to Samriah's tiny house. Once there Alec excused himself to have a chat with a certain angel. Elijah was nearly a crisp and Samriah had a huge amount of guilt from it. "I will help you move some things here this evening. I need to go home and rest soon." He was leaving and she wanted so badly to go with him but fought against it. She needed time and space to reevaluate her emotions.

Stay with me. "I figured that Crispy." She couldn't bring herself to give in to the addiction she clearly had. Addiction to his affections. He traced them to her apartment, gave her cheek a quick kiss, but when he moved away to trace to his home she stopped him. "What if I'm getting your powers now, Elijah?" She used her powers to close the curtains in her home as the words left her lips.

His brows dipped down at that thought. He looked at her bed and waved a hand, causing a gentle breeze to move the blankets aside. Samriah gasped. "Holy shit we have each others powers!" He shook his head, disbelief clearly on his face. "Must be the connection. The repercussions of having a mate chosen by the Diety." Samriah felt herself slightly cringe and unfortunately Elijah noticed. "Get some rest," he rumbled then he was gone.

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