Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Elijah was seriously kicking her ass right now. She made the mistake of assuming he would treat her delicately with the usual macho crap she had to deal with when it came to fighting guys but not this time. No, Elijah kicked, punched, and traced all over the damn place.

"Come on little witch! Focus!" She grit her teeth as she tried to focus on which way his arms were moving to block his attempts at shoving her again. Sweat slid down into her eye causing her to blink rapidly and next thing she knew she was flying in the air and sliding in the snow.


Breath whoosed out of her and the burn in her lungs had her getting angry. Again. She laid there trying to catch her breath when Elijah walked into her line of vision above her. "Use your magic. That was the purpose of this training." She shook her head, not bothering trying to wheeze out any words. If she could just prove she didnt need her magic then she could stuff it back in like it use to be.

"You can't beat me without it." He held out his hand and she took it. Once on her feet she glared at him. "Use your magic!" His eyes went dark and his face began to contort. She was getting use to his vampire state and found it to be dangerously sexy. ​Yeah, getting turned on by the guy handing you an ass beating isn't helping. ​His lip tipped up slightly and the moon glinted off his fangs causing her to get slick between her thighs.

He heard her thoughts and that made her heart race. She took in a deep breath that burned and rushed at him full speed but he traced away. She turned expecting him to appear behind her but the air was empty. She stood still and tried to control her heart and breathing to listen but her blood was pumping along with her heart thundering in her ears. It was a useless attempt.

Arms came around her mid section causing her heart to jump. She tried to manuvear out of his grasp but he held tight. His mouth came down next to her ear and her attempts lessened. "I smell your arousal, ​amera.​" He traced away and she whipped around looking for him. Eyes darting around the dark forest she tried to calm her heart but it was now out of control. She licked her lips as she tried to catch her breath.

A growl sounded to her left and she turned in the direction just to be whipped around and trapped in his arms. Their heavy breathing mixed together in the cold and she became aware of her breasts pressed tightly against his chest. Her nipples hardened against him and his eyes noticed. He licked his lips and she felt the burn in her core. He shoved her and started trying to get in his hits but it was slower now. She blocked each attempt as the burn grew hotter. She threw his arms aside and shoved him against the nearest tree. He traced behind her and pushed his body into hers.

She felt him rock hard above her ass and her core clenched with excitement. She tried to turn but he held her still then lowered to her throat. Her heart raced at the thought of receiving his bite. She knew it'd make her orgasm alone and she'd be ready to rip off his clothes for more. "Reach for your power." His voice was so deep she felt more wetness in between her legs. Her breathing became heavier in anticipation. He kissed her throat and scrapped his fangs against her. She leaned her head back and moaned.

"Your power, Samriah." His hand found her breast and squeezed through her jacket. ​Feels so fucking good. ​He growled and she felt his dick twitch. She started to grind against him but his other arm tightened to keep her still. "Samriah! Your Power!" She shook her head but he nipped her neck and she moaned again. Slowly her power came to her and it seemed to heighten her arousal. He spun her around and their lips crushed together. His hand unzipped her jacket and she felt his bare hand close around her breast. She moaned into his mouth letting his tongue in to explore. ​More. I need more.

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