Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Keep shutting off your feelings and youll lose more than just Elijah. They had been running at a fast pace for what seemed like forever and she felt the weariness returning with a vengeance. If she never felt Elijah's mind touch hers, if what she had seen and thought had been true...her heart sputtered and she stumbled before righting herself to keep from falling face first into the cold snow. Yes, she definitely feeling those elements now that she felt empty without their link.

"You will lose yourself, Samriah. That is the price of having a mate in this war. That is the price of what the Deity has chosen. Strength comes from the link and weakness comes from rejecting it or having the link severed by death or in this case, by the devil herself." Samriah whipped her head towards Alec and fought from stumbling again. "Our connection will always be like this?! It's severed?!"

"No, its temporarily...disengaged at the moment. It's all an illusion. She's the devil but she's also the queen of illusions and manipulation."

"She's still your mother." Samriah couldn't help but say it. It was what the therapisst had drilled into her head. Her mother killed her entire family and tried to kill her, but she was still her mother. She was the same mother who had once upon a time loved them all fiercely. "My mother was never like yours. Not when she became a mother. Maybe as an individual but not when that position changed to being a mother of twin boys. But you are right, she is my mother and I know how and who she is. Trust me, this is an illusion. It is not permanent. But you need to let go of your past just like Thomas told you to do. If you would stop trying to push down how you feel about Elijah, you would have the strength you both need in this battle. You know by now he is your mate and you are stronger together than apart. He is a few centuries old and a strong immortal. He isn't going to be easily ripped away from you like your siblings and father were. I am going to fight Lilith to get my friend back because I love him like a brother or a son. Are you going to do all you need to get him back?"

She couldn't answer. She didn't know what to say to him or what to think. He was centuries old and they didn't have much to go on to have a future together besides this link between them. "You were so against us when we met. Why are you now saying all of this and believing in it?"

William started to slow down and suddenly her link to Elijah came to life. It felt like she had been drowning, fighting to get air, and was now finally hitting the surface. Her heart was racing and she couldn't get enough air in her lungs. Amera. It was a sigh in her mind filled with comfort that overwhelmed her but she welcomed it.

"That is why I believe in it now, Samriah." She opened her eyes, wondering when she had closed them, and looked at Alec. The chill in her bones from the cold wind began to dull as her powers awakened. She squeezed her fists making a small turquoise light emanated from them and she was so happy to see this light again and feel the warmth from her powers, including some of the powered energy from the coven. Her coven.

"You compared the absence of Elijah from your mind to drowning and him returning is the equivalent of filling your lungs after being without air for so long. Elijah is your air. You are his. I mistook you to be a distraction but you aren't his weakness. You are his strength and he is yours." Alec had been leaning against a tree as William began to blend into the shadows of the forest. Elijah was close by which meant so was Lilith but Samriah's veins filled with fire at the thought of the impending battle to get him back. She wasn't going to delve into Alec's words and the feelings they filled her with. She just wanted to fight and have Elijah with her again instead of just in her mind from time to time.

Alec walked out and Samriah followed, sensing William's presence somewhere in the shadows behind her. He was prepared for a fight if they needed him. She had a feeling they would.

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