Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Samriah could not believe this was not going to be her home anymore but it didn't feel homey to her anymore. She needed to be with her coven and with Elijah. That was home now.

She put the last of the bathroom containers into the box, knowing Elijah would be popping in any minute now to trace them to their new tiny house in the village. It wasn't his favorite place to be around a bunch of witches who thought they were better than vamps but I was their leader and the new walking Nykood so he had to suck it up. We still had some of his homes as well.

"Anything else, love?" He traced in front of her and went to grab the just packed box. She smiled and gave his shoulder a kiss then she walked out to the bedroom. "Maybe one or two more." He wouldn't complain but he didn't have to. She felt his annoyance through their link and it only made her smile wider.

"The house was sold today. The realtor called about a young couple looking to start a family." Samriah stopped and turned to him. "How do you feel about letting it go?" He shrugged but she felt his grief. She walked to him and he opened his arms for her like he always would. "She isn't there anymore and I can't bear to be there. It's time we move on to our new chapter in our lives." She nodded and drew back to give him a quick kiss. "I couldn't agree more, my love." He smiled at her. "I'll never tire of hearing that from you." She kissed him again and patted the box behind her. "It's not going to move itself you know." He swatted her ass when she turned away before tracing to the village with the box.

It was getting easier to show and say her affections for her man. It had been almost a month now since that battle in the forest and they had gone through a tough funeral and some trips together as a sort of 'honeymoon' although she refused to wear a ring and have a ceremony any time soon. That was pushing her limits. Of course, he wanted her to have the human custom of having a ceremony because he knew what it would mean to her and how serious she would have to be to commit to a ceremony. She wanted it just not right now and he would never push it.

The doorbell rang and she immediately thought it would be a surprise from Elijah. He had a tendency to send for takeout when he knew she was hungry or surprise her with roses and chocolate. She thought she would hate these over the top cheesy gestures but she actually felt giddy as she would anticipate the next surprise from him. He kept her on her toes and she loved it.

She swung the door open and felt herself still at Tamra's unsure expression. "Hey." Samriah didn't know what to say. She stood there looking at her ex-best friend who she hadn't talked to in a month and could only feel hurt at the memories of their last encounter.

"Samriah?" Elijah's rumble from the bedroom startled both of them. "Come in." She turned and gave her room to come in just as Elijah walked to her. "Everything ok?" She nodded and glanced back at Tamra who was looking at Elijah with wide shocked eyes. "Theres a few things still in my bedroom just throw it all in the box and we should be done." He eyed Tamra then looked back at Samriah. "You sure?" She nodded and leaned into his kiss on her cheek before he turned and walked back to the bedroom.

She took a deep breath and turned to Tamra. "So whats up?" Tamra played with the rings on her fingers, a sign that she was nervous. "I wanted to talk about everything but I didn't realize you were moving."

"How would you know anything about me anymore when I'm a part of the supernatural world only?" Tamra crossed her arms at my defensive tone. "I'm not here to fight or argue. I want my friend back but I also need my job." Samriah snorted. "Those two things no longer mix. You left the academy to follow Rick and his inhumane experiments and plans. I don't want to be friends with someone who is acceptant of that." Tamra shook her head and leaned against a wall.

"I'm not acceptant of what he does. I want to stop it." Samriah's vision blanked as a premonition overtook her. She saw Tamra meeting with her, Elijah, and Alec with blue prints and photographs. When the premonition cleared she looked at Tamra who was looking out the windows. "You want to help us." She glanced at Samriah then away again, obviously nervous of what Samriah would say. "Yes, I want to help the creat—people that he is taking." Samriah shook her head and turned away. "I'm sorry Sam! I'm around people who talk and think a certain way that I've picked up on it but I don't feel the same way they do. I chose to follow him and gain his trust to help your side."

"I'll talk to Alec about it and we'll be in touch." Tamra's shoulders dropped. "That's it?" Samriah sighed as she looked into Tamra's quick tear-filling eyes. She wanted her best friend back but she couldn't trust her right now. "Give me time, Tam." Tamra nodded and gave her a quick hug before walking out.

Samriah's tough exterior deflated when the door shut and she felt Elijah walk to her then envelope her in his arms from behind. She leaned into him and closed her eyes. "What do you think?" She asked as he kissed her neck. "I also don't trust her but she could be of use." Samriah nodded, agreeing with him. He turned her and traced them to their new home.

"I think we're going to destroy this house when we make love tonight." He snickered at her comment and went back to kissing her neck and let his fang slide down her throat. "You keep that up and it'll be a lot sooner than tonight, love." His hands snaked up under her shirt and undid her bra before making their way into her sweat pants. A gnawing thought snaked its way into her mind for what felt like the 100th time since they had come back from New Orleans a couple of days ago. Elijah sensed it, like he always did, and pulled away but this time his beautiful gray eyes held steely determination.

"What's been bothering you that you have kept hidden from me in that lovely head of yours, my sweet?" Samriah sighed and closed her eyes. They hadn't talked about anything that was too intimate because he didn't want to push her boundaries that she wasn't ready to tear down just yet. But this was something she felt like needed to broached. For his sake. And she would do anything for this amazingly patient man of hers.

"I don't think I can have kids, Elijah." She peeked up at him but his eyes were unreadable so she looked down at the wood floor. "I've talked to Isa about this and she isn't sure what my future holds. I don't have a menstrual cycle and Isa says that's not normal for other witches but I'm not like any other witch. My future could mean no children, so if this is forever," she motioned between them, "then your future may not have children in it either." He drew in a breath to speak but she stopped him. "I know you can have children now that your heart is beating. I don't want to take that away from you." Her heart was hammering strong and loud, she knew he was hearing it, and she was now looking into that mesmerizing face, scared he would turn from her. Terrified she would lose him like she almost had before and the memories nearly buckled her knees.

"My sweet witch." His voice deepened as he closed the space between them and she eagerly grabbed his shirt in her tight fists to draw him closer. "Children would be a beautiful gift," her heart began to sink, "if they came from you. My life is forever intertwined with yours, children or not, if you will have me. I cannot bear to be without you my amixora, my soulmate." She let out a nervous laugh, grabbed his face, and pulled him in for a deep intimate kiss. Her hands began wandering over his body, grabbing and touching which quickly turned into stripping. She was ready for him and ready for this new adventure of life with him. "I love you, Elijah." He bit her neck causing a sigh to spill from her lips. I love you, my beautiful witch.

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