Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Samriah was so conflicted. She hardly knew Elijah. She knew he was kind, caring and protective of those he loved. He was ancient. He was an immortal. He gave her seriously awesome sex. He could now live on food and blood. But she needed to know more to have a relationship with him. People didn't commit to each other with a little bit of facts. How is he as a room mate? See, that could make or break commitments. He's neat. You've seen his room. Shit, that's right. She looked around her own room with clothes on the floor and who knows what else.

"Hmm...he'd probably hate committing to me." She sat on her bed and sighed. She had tried to sleep but nightmares had plagued her of dying children and dinosaur look alikes. She laid in bed feeling depressed as the weight of reality came crashing down on her. No friends. Tamra hadn't even tried to reach her. No connection with Elijah. He had her locked out completely and she couldn't help but recall what Alec had said about 'troubles at home'. What could that possibly mean? Was he keeping her out because of Laliska as well as her unrelenting feelings towards commitment and this connection?

"How do people do this?!"

"Do what?" Samriah jumped at the male voice in her bedroom. Alec again. "Look Mr. Pop-in-whenever-I-want this is so not working." He kicked clothes out of the way and leaned against a wall. "Thomas is the angel who raised me after Lilith tried to kill me. He is a messenger in all this mess and has given me new insight on this connection with you and Elijah as well as information on the attack at the village."

"If he knows so much why not help stop the bullshit and get this balance in check?" Alec sighed. "It's not that easy. Free will and all that. He can only give what he's told is ok to give and whom it's ok to give to. He cannot interfere in the war of the balance. Which has unfortunately tipped slightly further in Merick's direction."

Samriah thumped her head on her head board. "What the fuck? Just from the witches village?"

"He attacked many villages at the same time. My guess is he's trying to deplete my creations."

"As well as find a way to sever the connection the two of you have obviously to kill you. Where is this 'scale' that is tipping? Let's just find it and put it back to equilibrium."

Alec snorted. "If that's all it took I would've done it by now. The scale is within my brother and I. I feel my side tipping as he feels his own." Samriah sighed and kept her eyes closed as she absorbed all this new information.

"It did not escape my attention that you skipped over asking about my new insight on your connection with Elijah." Samriah snorted this time. "It didn't escape mine that he's not the one giving me all this information when you most likely went to him first." Alec cleared his throat. "Thomas gave you the key to your future and the key to helping this war. It isn't hard to decipher his meaning."

Samriah sighed. "This is awkward."

"No shit. That's why the two of you need to get a handle on the emotions and let fate be so I'm not standing in a messy ass room with a woman in bed I don't care to be inside of." Samriah jerked into a sitting position. "First of all EWW! Second of all it is an organized mess. Third of all then get the hell out."

"I have a mission for you and Elijah. He'll be here shortly after I leave." Samriah inwardly cursed as her heart sped up at hearing Elijah would be coming back to her. "Why do I get the feeling this so called 'mission' is more about getting us together to work out our shit?"

Alec shrugged nonchalantly then jerked upright and tilted his head. "What the hell are you doing?" Samriah asked

"Listening." She gave him a crazy look. She heard absolutely nothing. Then he turned and called over his shoulder, "Get dressed and come to the living room." For him to be as old as dirt he isn't so much wise as he is weird. She sighed but complied by quickly jumping out of the bed and grabbing a clean pair of jeans, a tight fitted shirt, combat boots, and a heavy jacket. Snow was going to be falling tonight and she had a feeling she would be freezing her ass off wherever the hell Alec was sending her.

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