- Mixed emotions -

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Tord sat on his bed waiting for a response...

He had been talking to this stranger for over a month now. Time sure do fly by when you're having fun..! Right..?


" Hah! The look on his face was priceless.! He didn't know what to do after that! XD"

" Heh. I can only imagine what was happening in his brain when you did that! XD"

It was nice talking to them...even though he didn't know about them too much...

" Hey! Um, I'm just curious. Can you tell me some things about you? It's okay if you don't.!"

" Oh okay. It has been a month so I guess spilling out some info won't be too bad.! ;)"

Tord chuckled a little. Every day has been wonderful ever since he had been talking to them. It was like, he enjoyed talking to them...a little too much...

" I'm don't want to reveal my age that soon, so I'll wait till I can tell you.! Well...I do live by myself..! That's one thing. I'm an alcoholic and I don't really like talking to people that much.!"

" but you're talking to me so..! >~>"

" Hah! I guess so.! I do have a bass that I play.!"

" Really?! That's awesome! You should teach me sometime! :)"

" Heh. Soon! I don't really tell people this but...I call my bass Susan...and...yeah.!"

" Hahaha! You really do?! XD"

" HEY! This is why I don't tell a lot of people that secret.!-"

" Okay, okay. I won't tell anyone else that secret.! Promise!"

" Okay..! Promise. I dont really trust you tho-"

" Why noooootttt?- :("

" Just joking. I kind of trust you..."

" Yay! :)"

" Heh. :)"

Tord chatted with this stranger for hours! He didn't care about what was happening outside, or the fact that he was hungry. He just went to chat with them even longer...

" Well, I hope you keep that promise, or I won't trust you ever again! >:\/"

" Okay Mr.Grumpy pants! I'll keep that promise! :3"

" Oh! I have to go! My friend wants to meet me soon! Gtg!"

" Bye!"

" Bye.!"

Stupid_alcoholic went offline

He laid on his bed. He wished the conversation went on for a bit longer, but they had to go somewhere so...it was just him now. Alone. No one to talk to.


His stomach roared with hunger. He checked his drawers for a gondola bar, but no luck. He ran out. Damn it! Guess he either had to starve himself till the next day or that he went to the grocery store to buy some food. He couldn't decide, so he just decided to just wait till the next day...


Huh? A text message..? Tord checked to see if it was the stranger.

" Oh hey! I just noticed now that my friend went to the vet. Something about his cat feeling ill..."

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