- Always remember, I'm yours -

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Heya! Just a little warning that this may have some light lemons sprinkled here...
H̶e̶l̶p̶ m̶e̶, f̶o̶r̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ s̶i̶n̶n̶e̶d̶. S̶p̶r̶a̶y̶ m̶e̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ h̶o̶l̶y̶ w̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶-
If you don't like this, then skip this chapter and move to the next! :P

Tord was running. Sweat was running down his cheeks, even though the February cold kicked in. He slipped on the ice and tripped on every pile of snow there was. He didn't even care if his pastel, yet dirty, clothes get wet. He just wanted to meet him again.

People were bumping into the tired Norwegian, saying," Watch it," or," Hey!" But Tord kept on going. Five minutes in, and he had made back " home." He touched the doorbell. No answer. He ran it once more. Still no answer. Tord then began to spam the button till Tom opened the door.

Tom looked tired and his empty sockets were filling with tears. His hoodie had alcohol stains in them, which then filled Tord's senses. Tom stared at him, with his emotionless eyes...

" Tom!" Tord hugged him right after that.

Tom pushed him away and walked off. Tord walked in and saw the mess he had left. Bottles of Smirnoff were scattered around the room, even crumbled paper and food. Tord followed Tom to the living room, and see him sitting down on the couch, with the ukulele in his hand.

" Tom...are you.."

" Why..? Why would you do this to me..?"

" What..?"

" You and Matt..."

" What do you mean..?"

" Hahaha! Wow! It's the reverse now! You are now me and I'm you!"

Tord went silent. Tom got up and looked at Tord. " Why.?"

" It was Edd! He came in the house and-"

Tom slowly walked towards Tord, but he continued speaking.

" A-and he told me and Matt to follow him to the room.! He then tripped Matt and pushed me over and..."

Tom was suddenly so close to Tord. His heart rapidly pounded against his chest. Tom stared at him still, while Tord was looking away.

" It was all Edd's fault..."

" I...see..."

He placed his hand on Tord's chin and forced him to look at each other.

" Tom...You...okay..?"

" Why are you asking.? I just...missed you so much..." Tom replied in a soft voice. He smiled before asking Tord a "favor."

" Hey, Tord. Can I ask you something.?"

" Yeah..?"

" Please don't do this again.."

" Do what again..?"

" You'll see..."

Tom then proceeded to kiss Tord slowly. Tord was surprised about the sudden kiss, but Tord liked it either way...then...they started to French kiss. This was unexpected by Tord, so he slowly pushed him back. Tom looked at him with a smirk on his face. Tord covered his face after that.

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