- Final days together-

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Tom got a message from an anonymous person. It reads:

" Dear Tom,
Remember this. 3/5/20XX. Good luck."

Tom started to question this mysterious text. What did he mean by this date? Was it something important? What do they mean by "good luck?" Whatever it was, Tom didn't like the tone this message brought.

" Hey, Tom?" Tord yelled from across the house.

" Yeah.?" Tom replied.

" Something is outside, looking at me!" Bad sign. Tom ran to Tord's room and looked out the window to see a hooded person, staring at them.

" Who is this person.? What do they want from us.?"

Tom's stomach turned. He didn't like the sound of this. The same time the mysterious  message popped up is the same time that this hooded figure showed up.

" Maybe we should go someplace AWAY from the windows! Okay? Okay!" Tom panicky replied. He grabbed Tord's hand and rushed down to the living room. Tord started to get worried about Tom's behavior.

" Are you...okay, Tom?" Tord slowly questioned.

" Huh? Oh, yeah! Me? I'm good! Totally fine! Nothing wrong with me!" Tom panicky replied. Tom kept on going back and forth between the windows on every room and the living room. He wanted to make sure that the hooded figure was gone. Nothing was outside. Good. Crash. That was a sound of a glass breaking. Tom quickly got back to Tord to check up on him, but by the time he got there, Tord was there, panicking.

"Tord? Tord! Tord are you okay?" Tom yelled as he got up to comfort him.

"Y-yeah...it's just that something came up to me and...and..." His voice trailed off. He instead showed Tom his arm. There was a big cut going across his arm, bleeding quite rapidly. Not good.

"How did this happen?" Tom replied. Tord then pointed off to the door, with the window broken to a million pieces.

"I-I'll go and get a bandage for you! Well fix this soon enough!" Tom said, running to the bathroom. That's how the day started out.

This was just the beginning.

March 3, 20XX

Tom was driving with Tord sitting to the left of him. They were going to the 'special place' Tom was saying earlier. It was far, but Tom said that he could make it in time, before the sunset. Tord had his window open, looking out into the beautiful fields of wheat that flow with the wind. There were no clouds in the sky, which means that I'll be a perfect day to view the stars and sky. The road here was not that packed, but there were cars everywhere. Tom was excited to go there cause his father used to show him the place to view the stars and the constellations.

Tom didn't tell Tord this but his father studied the stars. From time to time, Tom's father took him and his mother to this place to see the stars and record them. He taught Tom each constellation and what each meant, which fascinated him in every way. Each time he goes there, he could remember the things his father had taught him in the past.

"Hey? Are we there yet? I'm getting a bit tired..." Tord asked.

"Don't worry! There's a waterfall near the place, so we can go there to refresh ourselves before we make it to the top!" Tom replied.

"Okay...Let's just hope we-"

"We've made it!" Tom says as he makes it off the highway. They then drive off to an empty road, which looks like no one ever driven here in ages. After parking, Tord gets off first, seeing the huge cliff, staring right in front of them. Vines holds on to the rock edges as plants slowly grow in the cracks. Far off in the east, there was a cave, with the sound of water crashing down to the ground, kind of like a waterfall.

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