- Final straw -

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" Um...why do you want to know.?" Tom asked.

" Oh, it's nothing! Nothing...at all..!"

He then walked in Tom's house. Tom looked at him in confusion and ran in front of him.

" What are you doing?!"

" Can't I come into your house?"

" W-Well...sure but-"

" Okay then!"

He then ran to Tom's room and started to dig in Tom's stuff, trying to find Susan.

" Hey! HEY! STOP IT!"

" What.? I'm just trying to find your bass!"

" NO! Don't-"

Edd then hugged Tom out of nowhere. Tom felt suspicious of Edd, so he asked him a question.

" Hey, are you okay..?"

" Yeah!" Edd hugged Tom tighter and tighter.

" H-Hey-"

Tom tried to step back, but Edd stood still, which made both of them fall. Edd was now on top of Tom, with Tom hitting his head on the floor.

" Ouch!-"

" Are you okay.?" Edd gave a smirk before telling Tom something...

" D-Do you like me, Tom.?"

" W-What..?"

" Do you like me.?"

" Y-yes..?"

" As a friend.?"

" Yeah!"

" As best friends.?"

" Y-Yes..?"

" As close friends..?"

" I-I don't know-"

" As boyfriend-"


Edd quickly stood up after that. Tom slowly got up and started to walk out, by Edd grabbed his hand and pulled him back. Now, they're facing face to face.

" Who would you choose.? Me..? Or...Tord..?"

" L-Like wha-"

" WHO?"

" TORD!"

" I...See...Well..."

Edd then pulled him closer till they were a few centimeters apart.

" Let's change that, shall we?"

Edd then pushed Tom onto his bed...and...and made out with Tom till the night was over...

Edd's plan did work after all...Tom accidentally fell for it...


Tord was at the family reunion. He liked meeting is cousins from hometown and some from Canada. He hugged and chatted with all of his family members, talking about when he and his pals were younger and how they were doing now. Like...The good ol' days...


It was from Tom.

" Um...hey. Can I talk to you for a quick moment.?"

" O-Oh! Hey! What's up?"

" I'm not sure if this is working out..."

DisconnectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora