- Never again -

62 4 2

Tom looked around the town looking for the run away Norwegian, but there was nothing. The only thing that was found was the umbrella Tord had, under a tree. Tom felt a  sence of hopelessness until he heard a rustle of leaves moving. Point was that there was no wind today. Tom looked up to see him, looking at the clouds as the rain poured.

" To-"

" Leave me alone..."

" Pleas-"

" Why are you still here..?"

" I just-"

" Please!"

" ..."

Tom sat down by the tree Tord was on. He stared down on his phone and sighed.

" Why do you even care about following me..? You could've just let Matt follow me or leaving me alone...that'll make be feel better..."

" I...seeing you so happy made me feel..." This was Tom's chance to apologize." ...So worthless and unimportant...You felt so loved and cared for. Day by day I just look at the memories we had together. Day by day, I've been missing you. Day by day, I've been only hurting you and me. Knives stabbed my heart, voices in my head scream about the sins I had caused! I couldn't take it! I just drowned my feelings away until the time was right to let it all out...which is why I'm here to say...sorry..."

Tord didn't respond. He climbed down the tree and just looked at the place, his back facing Tom.

" Do you really think that saying all those things would make me feel any better..?"

" What..?"

Tord turned his face around, tears began to burst out of his helpless eyes.

" Do you really think that I'll still care for you after all this time?! Hah...hahaha..! Such a joke..."

Tom walked towards Tord, but he then gets pushed away.

" Not this time..."

" Please...I just...wished that I could turn back time...and fix the mistakes that I've done to hurt you..."

" Don't...just you standing next to me is hurting me..."

Tom then hugged Tord. Tord doesn't hug back. He doesn't even budge.

" Just...You being here is just not enough..."

" Tord...please...Edd doesn't even care about me...he's just using me to make you jealous...he argues with me and makes me feel so worthless..."

" Just move on, Tom..."

" I've been trying to ever since you disappeared out of my life! The only thing that I can remember you is by the room you left behind..."

" Just take it down..."

" ...Remember when you first moved in to my house..."

" ..."

" ...Remember when we went on dates to the movies, lakes, and even the beach..."

" Stop..."

" ...Remember the times when I made you feel better by playing you the song you taught me.."

" Stop it..."

" ...Remember the first time we've kissed..."

" Please...I'm warning you..."

" ...Remember the days when the sun goes down, and we watch it together...side by side..."

" No...stop it..!"

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