- Giving second chances -

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Tom frantically paces back and forth through the hallways at the waiting area. He's waiting for any news about Tord. Anything! The place wasn't as crowded since the stroke of Midnight, but Tom wanted to stay. His stomach violently turned when he saw the state Tord was in, so he was asking all the doctors that went by him asking about Tord, but many didn't know who Tord was as they passed by. Tom felt very ill not knowing any info about him...all he cared for was about Tord...just Tord.

Finally, after an hour of waiting, a doctor comes towards Tom with some updates about him. " Are you Tom.?" The doctor asked.

" YES! Yes I am!" Tom exclaimed.

" Ah! Good! We do have some good news about your friend, Tord Laston!" That word. Friend. That gave a massive amount of guilt weighting Tom down. He then remembered the lines Tord had said before the relationship was over. It echoed around Tom's mind which can't be ignored, making any other noise silent. " Hello..? Um, sir? Are you okay.?"

Tom snapped back to reality.

" Uh, yeah! I'll uh...like to hear the news.!" Tom sweated frantically. " Okay. Your friend here had been stitched right up, some having bandages cause he wanted to cover some of them. The wounds were swelling a little, but don't worry. The wounds would heal in a couple of weeks!" Tom sighed with relief. He was okay. Well...physically. Emotionally was a different thing...

" Can I visit him now?" Tom exclaimed. The doctor looked around, seeing only a few nurses and doctors going down the halls and some going into rooms. " Tord is okay, so he's allowed to leave the hospital today. I'll go ask him to meet you here, okay?" Tom nodded his head. Then the doctor walked off, leaving Tom alone in the waiting room. Five minutes goes by, and the same doctor walks towards the front desk, with a familiar face. He then pointed at Tom. It was Tord. He had his bright pink sweater and his leggings on. His face had a bandage on the bottom right, while the left had a small stitch. His sweater sleeve was pulled up, so he could see some of the bandages the Doctor was talking about. They were in a variety of bright pastel colors, but a few were dull. Stitches were scattered across his arm...

Tord looks at him. His eyes widen. He then began to run towards him. This was his chance.

Tom stands up, arms wide open. Tord runs towards Tom's open arms and gives him the tightest hug he had ever gave to anyone. " Tom! I-I missed you so much!" He said trough his hiccups. He looked up at him. Seeing him smile was what Tom needed after all this time. " Me too, Tord. Me...too-" Tom tumbles down, bursting into tears. Tord went down with him, still hugging him. " I...I'm so sorry, Tord...after all I've done...I shouldn't deserve this..." Tord tried to wipe away the tears, but more and more came with every swipe. " Let's go, Tom. I want to go home..." Tom nodded and slowly trembled up.

They then walked out of the hospital, safe and sound. Back together...

March 2, 20XX

Tord woke up with a pain in the back. Tord wasn't used to the stitches, but he managed to ignore the pain from time to time. He got up and got dressed. He then went down the stairs and into the living room. He sees Tom making breakfast in the kitchen, since the smell of pancakes can be scented around the area. " Mmm! Smells so good! I'm hungry!" Tord foolishly said. Tom chuckled. "Don't worry. The pancakes will be done soon. Just relax and watch TV or something while I make breakfast." Tord nodded, thinking on what to do. That's when the realization hits him. The only thing that he could of have done was playing with his ukulele but...that's out of the picture. The next thing to a ukulele is a guitar. Mainly Tom's guitar. He runs upstairs and grabs Tom's guitar. He began to play the guitar but noticed that the notes were off tune, so he ran downstairs to Tom.

" Hey, Tom! Can you help me tune this?" Tord yelled as he ran towards the kitchen. Tom looked at him confused at first, but then realizing that he had his guitar in his hands. " Uh, sure? Why do you want to play it tho?" Tord looked down at the guitar, taking a deep breath. " Remember..? This is the only thing that I could play besides the..." Tord's voice trailed off. He sighed and handed Tom the guitar. " Just tune it in..." Tom nodded and started to tune the guitar in." Here we go. All tuned in..."

Tord grabbed the instrument and walked to the living room, plopping onto the couch and started to play. Slowly but surely, the tunes stared to calm Tom down, him closing his eyes and move to the beat. Tord noticed this, so he began to snicker as the melody still plnotes Tom looked like a little ballet girl dancing at a concert. Tord just laughed and laughed as Tom continued this behavior. After all the dancing and playing music, the breakfast was done. " Finished, Tord!" Tom said as he quickly made it to the dining room. " Okay! I'll be there!" Tord placed the guitar on the couch and sprinted to the dining room, seeing Tom already sitting down eating. There was a plate right next to him, so Tord took a seat there and began to dig right in. " Geez, Tord.! Slowly eat or you'll get the-" hiccup! Too late. Tord had already gotten the hiccups after five quick bites of the pancakes. Tord didn't mind it, so they continued to eat their delicious breakfast, together...

It was beginning to rain cats and dogs. Great! Another day wasted by the water. Tord and Tom were planning on going to a special place together, far away from here. Something Tom saw when he was younger. Tom was watching TV while Tord was upside down, looking at the rain. " Why does the rain have to come in so soon?" Tord questioned. Tom just shrugged it off. " I really wanted to go to that 'special' place you've been talking about since this morning!" Tord sighed. " Let's hope tomorrow would be better than this!"

Tom pulled Tord down from the couch and onto the floor. " Ouch! What was that for?!" Tom laughed. " Your hair was tickling my ear. I wanted that to stop." Tord got up and jokingly punched Tom by the arm, while Tom was laughing. " God, I hate you sometimes." Tord sarcastically replied. " Aww! Love you too!" Tom smiled. Tord tried to hide his laugh, making it look like if he was puffing out his cheeks.

" Hey...I...I'm sorry for the things I did in the past..." Tom softly spoke.

" Huh.? What do you mean..?" Tord questioned.

" For putting you into this mess..."

" What do you mean? It's Edd's fault for being a psychopath in the first place!" Tom immediately grabbed Tord by the hand and pulled him towards him, giving him a kiss. Meow. Tord jumped back and looked down to see that Simon was looking at them two, mowing it them. Tord looked at Tom and then back at Simon, with a happy expression. " Simon! Oh my sweet little cat, I've missed you so much!" Tord said as he grabbed the small cat and hugged him.

" I see he misses you too, Tord." Tom chuckled.

" Oh shush you!" Tord played around with the cat until he fell asleep. " Geez. Guess I'll go and-"

" Wait.! Before you go and put him back in his bed," Tom exclaimed." I'm...hoping you'll give me a second chance. I know it may sound pushy or I may sound clingy, but I just wished we can start over...okay..?" Tord stood there. He was giving Tom that look like if he said something mean. " T-Tom..." Tom gulped. He started to sweat a little knowing that Tord wouldn't accept it. " I'd love to. Don't mess it up this time or I won't give you anymore chances, got it?" Tom nodded. " Got it." Tord then went off with the cat.

" Thank god...let's just hope everything won't go south agai-."


Sorry if this took long! Just school giving me a pain in the neck-


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