30. Engagement

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Listen to 'Miss you' by Julia Micheal

Next day

"Don't you think Zac is going way too fast?" Archie asks when I tell her what happened last night. We are presently in the makeup room of a famous chat show. I am going to declare my engagement today.

"You wanted me to move on, so I am doing it. Why aren't you happy?" I reply with a question.

"Because you are not happy Kathy." She reasons and plops down on the couch beside me.

"I'm willing to do anything to give my child an ideal life. Without any worries or complications." I tell.

"I don't know what to say." She says and puts her hand on mine comfortingly. "I just want you to have a good life."

"I will have one. Zac will be the perfect husband, he loves me, and this kid will be my source of happiness." Even though I am saying it, I am not sure about this.

"Ms Greene, the stage is ready." One of the stage assistant calls me.

"It's time to make a confession." I say to God knows whom and get up from the couch I was sitting on.


Hell. It doesn't even cover half of the shit I've been through these past weeks. It hurts even when I breath. Every moment without her is agonizingly painful. I really want to go back to her. I cannot live like this.

I haven't stepped out of the house ever since she left. This house smells like her now and I feel like I'm close to her even when she is miles away. I don't take a shower for days, I don't eat much, I just live. And I don't even want to do that.

Today Alex and Justin forced me to take a shower so I did. Oh and I have also started drinking. Three nights ago. I broke a vase and hurt myself with the broken glass pieces. The house is in ruins. I am getting dressed while the guys are cleaning up.

The hall is in a much better condition when I step out. Jayden, Kayden, Alexis, Justin, Greg and Victor all are sitting on the couch watching something on the television with the utmost interest.

I walk over to them. Alexis spots me. She shifts a little and pulls me down beside her. "Look." She points at the television. I gasp. It's her. I can't believe it's her.

Katherine is sitting opposite to the host on a love seat with another man beside her. She is dressed up nice and is smiling but the smile does not reach her eyes.

"So it's true" The host starts. "The most wanted bachelorette is taken now." He ends with a warm smile.

Katherine raises her left hand and the camera zooms on the daimond ring resting on her ring finger. "Yes. Yes it's true Jack, I'm engaged. I'm engaged to this wonderful man sitting beside me." She confesses. And she holds the man's hand.

For a second there, my heartbeat stops. Everyone beside me gasps.

"Unbelievable." Victor says.

"Not possible." Alex says.

"Let's clear people's doubts. This is Zachary Knight, a high profile detective. He and Katherine first met at a gala dinner and from there their love story started. They have been quiet secretive though but now they have finally decided to come clean." The host explains.

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