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~I want to know what "I love you" means~

Major Levi Ackerman, and (y/n) walked through the crowded streets that a festival was being held in. He walked a few steps ahead of her, as she lingered behind him. Only for a moment did he look back, and stop to see she had stopped to look down at something in one of the stands. "What's the matter?" He asked her. "It's your eyes..." She looked up and made eye contact with his piercing gunmetal hues. "It's the same color...as your eyes." He exhaled sharply, upon hearing her beautiful, soft, melodic voice, and looking into her {e/c} hues that cascaded a greater glow than the soft light decorations that lit the streets. She looked back down at the broche she had laid her eyes upon. "The way I felt when I saw this...this feeling..." She placed her {s/k} hand gently over her heart. "What is it called?" She asked, staring at the broche that glowed and mesmerized her. Levi stared at her with furrowed brows, captivated in her being as though he were in a trance. Although...his heart truly ached for her.


{Y/n} had woken up in a large infirmary, which was partially empty. To the side, was a portable desk with a calligraphy pen with ink set upon it. She took it and placed it on her lap, and began to write. She ignored her tray of food, which consisted of beans, soup, crackers, spinach, and rice. And beside that, a glass of water. "Major Ackerman, I've been in the hospital for 120 days now. My strength has almost recovered." She looked at her bandaged hands, or what are supposed to be, for a moment as she wrote. "Movement is still a little difficult, but I can perform my duties. Please let me return to my post soon sir." Just as she finished her sentence on the paper, she had dropped her pen unto the floor. So with a small sigh she went to reach for it...but so in that moment, a gust of wind blew through the open window, making the translucent white curtains dance along with it. As well as her letter, that had then flown out the window, into the beautiful world. Passed the mountains, through the ruins of an old City, through the busy streets of citizens, and far on...

Kingdom of Enciel: Somewhere in the capital of Enchaine.

"Her existence had been kept hidden from everyone." Lueitenant Erwin Smith, the man in which Major Ackerman had taken orders from, and is great friends with. He wore casual clothing, which were a tan vest over a white button up shirt, and brown work pants. He held a brief case as he made his way to his destination. To her. "However, some of the people who knew about her...said she was a weapon. She would fight if you ordered her too...she just looked like a human. She was just a tool, without a heart." Erwin had arrive to the hospital, being greeted by a kind nurse who had let him in. As he entered, he saw to his left a small lobby, with a table that held a vase of flowers, a lamp, and a doll in a red dress and hat, that had white lace under the soft red exterior. Blood ran down the dolls arm, and the vision of the girl...covered in her and her victim's blood...panting in fatigue.

"Lueitenant Smith." Erwin snapped out of his trance, remembering those days...and looked to the nurse. "This way." She said directing him. He looked at the doll, seeing that what he had seen was only in his head. "Yeah, sorry." He smiled softly. Once they were to the door, A loud thud was heard and he entered the room swiftly, with the nurse behind him. Papers were scattered, the portable desk and ink were on the floor. Those hadn't been the only items on the floor, as {Y/n} could be seen there too, slowly trying to get up. "{Y/n}!" Erwin exclaimed in worry. She looked up at him as he ran over to her. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked, looking at her bandaged head and patches that rested on her cuts on her cheeks. She ignored his questions and looked around as though she was looking for someone. "The Major? Where's Major Ackerman?" She asked. "He's not here at the moment." He told her. "Where is he? Did he return home already?" She continue to ask of the Major's whereabouts. "How are his injuries doing anyway? I know they were pretty severe." Erwin's brows creased together. "Lueitenant...is the Major alive?" Erwin exhaled a small chuckle. "You're being discharged from the hospital. Lueitenant Smith came all this way to pick you up, y'know." The nurse said to {Y/n}. Erwin smiled. "That's right." "Excuse me." {Y/n} stood up hastily and saluted. "Lueitenant Smith." "Uh {y/n}, relax." "I had forgotten you were a lueitenant. I apologize, sir." "It's okay. Here, sit down." He told her, and she did so. "Anyway..." He continued. "I was actually wondering if you remembered me." "Yes. We have met twice before. During the training and the night before the battle." She stated clearly. He was astounded by her memory, and looked over to the portable desk the nurse had picked up and set on the bed again. "What were you doing?" He asked. "I was writing a report to Major Ackerman. They said that writing words down would help to improve my condition a great deal." She paused after she finished. "So, how is the Major?" She asked once again about him. Erwin smiled and put his hands in the pockets of his pants. "Don't worry {Y/n}. He's the one who asked me to come here for you." She looked down for a moment with a sigh and looked back at Erwin with gentle eyes. "So then, that's means that he's fine." She said, with no trace of worry lingering in her voice any longer. "The doctor told me that we won the war. What post is he assigned to now? When will I be able to join him?" She bombarded him with questions yet again. "First...get change. I'll have them send a car in the meantime."

The motor of the car ran as Erwin and {Y/n} waited for the nurse to return with her things. "This finally arrived." The nurse said going up to {y/n} with her suit case, and handing it to her. "These are your belongings." The nurse told her. To be on the safe side, {Y/n} put the case down to search through and make sure everything was where it needed to be. "It looks like they delivered it to an army base far away by mistake." The nurse explained. Erwin had his eyes rested as he listened. "The broche..." Erwin opened his eyes and looked over at {Y/n}, who had frantically looked, and then looked to the nurse in worry. "Where is the silver blue broche?" She asked. "Huh?" The nurse jumped at the question. "This is everything there was from the Garrison and the place that they found you." She told her. {Y/n} hastily closed her case. "If it's not here, I'll have to look for it!" She said getting ready to run off, but Erwin caught her by the wrist. "{Y/n}!" He exclaimed. "Someone gave it to me..." She said. "The major gave it to me!"

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