~ Chapter 2 ~

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The Chapter's song:

The Fooo - All Over The World

~ Chapter 2 ~ 

Niall's pov.

I was in Simon's office with the boys and waited on Selena. I was really nervous cause she's such a great singer and actress. We sat there in silence a long time. ''Where is she!!!???'' Louis yelled. 

''Louis, calm down, she gonna be here in 5 minutes'' Simon said and looked at Louis. ''Sorry Simon, but i'm so exited''. We waited and waited and waited ... and then ... we waited and waited. But then someone started to knock on the door. ''Come in'' Simon shouted. The door opened and then we saw ... Selena Gomez. 

''Hi Selena, I'm happy that you could come to us'' Simon said and smiled at her. She looked shocked on Simon and then looked at all of us. I think she was really confused. ''Sit please'' Simon said and pointed at the chair in front of him. Selena sat down. ''I'm happy to be here'' Selena said and smiled. ''I LOVE YOU!'' Louis shouted. Selena looked at him. ''I'm sorry but i'm a huge fan, I'm Louis'' he continued. ''It's ok, I'm thankful that you like me, and of course i know who you guys are'' She said. ''So what did you want to tell me, Simon?'' She asked.

Simon looked at us and smirked. ''Oh Selena ...'' He started. ''We have One Direction here, one of the biggest boy bands in the world, what more can i say ... we want you ... to be on tour with One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer, do you want that write down on this paper'' he said and gave Selena a paper and a pen. ''But if you don't go from my office and back to LA and have a pause from music'' he continued and smirked at her. I think that wasn't so nice of him to say but never mind. We was silence a moment. '' ... Sure'' Selena said and write her signature on the paper. 

''YAAAY!'' Louis shouted. Selena giggled and looked down on her lap. I'm not gonna lie it was really cute cause she started to blush. ''Good girl'' Simon said and took the paper from Selena's hands. ''Welcome to the Where We Are Tour'' Simon said. 

After the meeting with Selena we went to the studio with Selena cause she have to practicing her voice a little better cause she haven't singing in a half year. She was so amazing! I think we all are really happy to have Selena on our Tour. 

Selena's pov.

When i was in the studio i wanted just to hang out there and the boys was in another room and was practicing their voices. I was laying on a couch in the studio and looked on Twitter. I didn't want to tell my fans that i'm going on tour with One Direction cause they are going to get crazy. I know that they gonna find it out but i don't want to tell them. I have been in the studio a while and i looked out of the window and saw that it was a bit dark. After a moment someone opened the door. It was Niall. ''Hey ...'' he said and took his hands in his pockets. ''Hi'' i reply. ''What are you doing?'' he asked and sat on the couch and looked down at me. 

''Just checking Twitter'' i said and sat up. ''Cool ...'' he said. We sat there silence and just looked at each other sometime. ''I'm going to go and eat something, do you wanna come with me?'' he asked and smiled. ''Sure'' i said and smiled back. Niall was a really nice guy. I'm happy that i said yes to go on tour with him. I MEAN THEM! Calm down Selena. 

We walked out to his car and he opened the door to me. ''Gentleman i see'' i said and smirked and he smirked back. He walked to the driver seat and opened the door and sat in the car. ''Where do you wanna go?'' he asked and looked at me. ''Umm ... I don't know so much places in London to eat at'' i said. I saw that he was thinking of something. ''I know'' he said and started the car. ''Where?'' i said a bit confused. ''You have to see later'' he said and smirked at me.

We was laughing and talking on the way to a restaurant. I still didn't know were we're going. I wanted to know more about Niall and i know that we gonna be close. 

When we were at the restaurant and we parked the car saw we paparazzi. ''sh*t!'' he whispered. He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes. No! Selena! I don't have a crush on him! No! I ... I ... I don't know. ''Crouch'' he said and i did what he said. ''I'm coming back soon, I go and order and coming back with the food soon'' he said and stepped out from the car and into the restaurant.

I looked up a little bit and wanted to see were he had take me. ''Nandos'' i whispered to myself. I hope is good cause i'm really hungry. When i crouch again so the paparazzi couldn't see me i saw a bandana and some sunglasses. I put my hair up in a messy bun and took the bandana and sunglasses. I looked in the cars mirror. ''I look really pretty with bandana actually'' i said to myself. 

After a while Niall came with the food and opened the door fast and started the car. I looked up and sat normal again. Niall looked at me and smirked. ''Girl you look fab-u-lous'' he said and i started to laugh and I took of the bandana. ''What are you doing? You look really pretty in that bandana'' he said and gave me the bandana again. Did he really say i was pretty. ''To late'' i said and took of the sunglasses and let out my hair from the messy bun. 

''I hope you going to like the food'' he said. ''Yeah, me too'' i said and looked at the food. He smirked at me. ''What is it?'' i said and smiled. ''Nothing ... Nothing'' he said and looked on the road again.

Sorry that we didn't update yesterday but i have a life too :/ Hope you liked chapter 2 of 'Who Do I Want?' , if you did vote for this story, comment, share, add to reading list/library means a lot :) Love yaa <3 // Alexandra & Tilde

Who Do I Want? (Luke H./Niall H./ Selena G. Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now