~ Chapter 10 ~

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The Chapter's song:

 One Direction - More Than This

~ Chapter 10 ~ 

Selena's pov. 

I have my bags, my ticket and my phone ... i'm ready to go back to LA. I'm going to miss the guys. But i did the best for myself right now. I have been an idiot the whole week when i have been in London. I sat in the taxi and my phone started to rang. It was Taylor.

S: ''Hello?''

T: Hey Selly, how is it in London?

S: I'm on my way back to LA

T: Why? Tell me everything

I told Taylor everything and when i ended the call i were already at the airport. Before i walked in i took a deep breath. ''Come on Selena'' i whispered to myself. I walked in and my plane are coming in 10 minutes and i just stood and waited on the plane. ''Selena!'' a familiar voice yelled behind me. I turned around and saw ... 

Niall's pov. 

I was just home in my flat with the boys and just hang out a bit. ''I can't believe the tour starts in 3 days'' Liam said and smiled. ''Yeah! We are going with 5 Seconds Of Summer AND Selena F*cking Gomez!'' Harry shouted. I just smiled. ''Niall, what's up?'' Louis said and smiled. ''It's you know ...'' i said looking at my lap and blushed. ''Luke and Selena?'' Louis asked and looked down at me. ''Don't worry mate, everything it's going to be fine'' he said and leaned down on the couch. 

After a while someone knocked on the door. Zayn walked up and opened the door. ''Where is he?'' a familiar voice said to Zayn. After like 1 minute Luke came in really angry and was on his way to me. ''Why did you do this to me?'' Luke said and grabbed my shirt. ''Hey! What's going on?'' Liam said and walked over to us. ''I have no idea'' i said and just sat there. ''Oh, yeah, ok, you have no idea, huh, it was your fault that me and Selena broke up!'' Luke shouted. Wait, what? Did Selena broke up with Luke? That's ... amazing! I think? 

''She it's leaving today! She's going back to LA! She's probably already at the airport!'' Luke said and released me and walked out. ''Niall, are you ok?'' Harry said and walked over to me. ''Yeah, i-i'm perfectly fine, I have to go to the airport!'' i whispered and ran out from my flat, to my car and started to drive to the airport. 

Selena's pov.  

I turned around and saw ... Niall that ran up to me. He hugged me tight and didn't let go of me. I hugged him back and hide my face in his neck. Oh god i love his hugs! He released me a bit and looked at me. ''You have to tell me of you are going back to LA!'' he said and chuckled. ''I didn't want to tell anyone'' i said and smiled. We just looked each other in the eyes and then he started to lean in and kissed me. Of course i kissed back! But i'm not ready for a relationship anyways. I pulled away and i started to blush and looked down on the ground.

''You don't have to answer this question right now, you have till when we coming to America, if you want to be my girlfriend or not, cause i don't want to press anything'' he said stroke my cheek. After a while my plane came and it was time to go. ''I'm going to miss you badly'' he said and hugged me. ''I'm going to miss you too'' i said and pulled away from the hug. I started to walk and looked behind me. Niall stood and waved goodbye. I started to walk again. ''I'm already missing you'' i whispered to myself. 

1 month later. 

Niall's pov. 

Much have happened this month. The tour have started, me and Luke have been friends again, me and Selena are calling each other everyday, but we haven't tell the others about that. My life are just perfect. Today we going to have a concert and just have like a lazy day. Nothing more ... i hope.

It was time to end of the concert. ''Thank you so so much! It was an amazing crowd tonight! One of the loudest! We can't wait to see you soon! Bye!'' Harry yelled in the microphone and ended the concert. I walked backstage again and took a water bottle and took of my sweaty shirt. I walked up to Ashton, Luke, Calum, Micheal and they just talked. ''What's up?'' i said and they all looked at me nervous.

''Niall, can i talk to you a second, private?'' Luke asked me and laid one hand on my shoulder. Um ... sure, why not'' i said and followed him to a more private place. ''We all know that Selena loves me, not you ...'' oww ... that hurt. '' soo i thought that i could have a chance with her, and you have to stop talking with Selena everyday cause she's mine, and yeah i know your little secret! We all know that you and Selena calls each other everyday! But she just calls you cause she don't want to break your heart, come on! Who would like to date you? She loves me! So she's mine! capito!''.

I just want to kill him again! I thought we were friends but i thought wrong. ''You know what? If she loves you, why doesn't she calls you?'' i said. Luke opened his mouth but no words came out. ''I thought so ...'' i smirked and walked away.

Luke grabbed my arm and punched me against a wall. ''I'm gonna kill you!'' Luke said and started to punch me more and more. 

''Luke?'' i or we heard a familiar voice say. I looked behind him and there is Selena. ''Sel, it isn't what it looks like i promise'' Luke said and released me. I fell to the ground and i couldn't move. It body hurts to much. Selena walked to me and sat next to me. ''Niall are you ok?'' i nodded no and it still hurts everywhere in my body.Louis walked in and looked on us. ''Whoah, what's going on lads?'' Louis said and walked up to me. Luke walked away and into his, Calum, Ashton, Micheal's dressing room. Then i started to faint. 

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// Alexandra  & Tilde

Who Do I Want? (Luke H./Niall H./ Selena G. Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now