[Chapter 8] Are You Serious?

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-Cassidy's POV-

I was in my old living room, sitting on the same couch I'd grown up on, watching TV with Patrick. We were fighting over the remote and what show to watch.

"Come on, I'm older!" Patrick pleaded, yanking the remote towards him.

"Well I'm younger!" I cried, bringing the remote back to my side.

"Well I'm the oldest and I'm Pete Wentz," Pete said as he snatched the remote from Patrick and me and plopped down in between us. "And I say I get to choose what we watch." Joe and Andy plopped down on the couch too, Joe taking my side and Andy taking Patrick's. Carter was in my bedroom talking with one of the agents from California. She was always working, even when we were away on vacation (or in this case, just a visit).

"Play nice in there!" My mom shouted from the basement. I think she was doing laundry.

"WE ARE!" All five of us screamed.

Just then, Carter came downstairs. By the look on her face, I could tell it was something bad.

"Hey Carter," I said, pushing myself out of the tight squeeze on the couch, walking over to her and crossing my arms over my chest, "So, what'd the agent say?"

She sighed and shook her head, "He wanted to congratulate me on our song getting on the Billboard Top 100," She murmured, looking up at me as a smile grew on her face.

"Wait...what? Are you serious?" I asked, shocked by the news.

"Yeah," Her smile grew wider, "We're number 23."

"Oh my god!" I shrieked, pulling her into a tight hug, "That's amazing, Carter!"

"What is that I heard?" My mom inquired as she came into the living room, a basket of clean and folded laundry in her arms.

"We got on the Billboard Top 100, mom!" I exclaimed, "Carter and I! We got on the Billboard Top 100!"

"That's wonderful, Cass!" My mother screamed, dropping the laundry basket and pulling me into a hug. The two of us began to jump up and down.

"I remember our debut on the Billboard Top 100," Patrick remarked as he crossed his arms over his front, "The four of us were just like you. Jumping and down and screaming like little school girls..." He and the three other band members sighed nostalgically in unison.

"We have to celebrate!" My mom retorted, "What should we do?"

"I don't know, mom! I wasn't even expecting this!" I gasped, "Ooh, but I do have to go tell someone..." I rushed out of the room and up the stairs to somewhere more quiet. I pulled out my phone and was about to call Anthony when I remembered what happened last time. What if his fiance still had his phone? I think I've already caused enough trouble... I slowly put my phone back in my pocket and turned around to see Carter standing at the bottom of stairs, looking up at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Who'd you need to tell?" She asked, a smirk growing on her face as if she already knew. Hell, she and I both knew it was Anthony.

"No one," I lied, brushing past her and suggesting to my mom, "Hey, why don't we go out for ice cream?"

"That's all you want?" Andy questioned, "Ice cream?"

"Yeah, why not?" I slipped my hands into my jean pockets, "That's what Carter and I do in California when something good happens."

"Or we finish recording a song," Carter added with a grin.

"Or we just feel like getting ice cream..." I remarked, also with a grin.

-BOOK 1 OF 3- Something On The Side (FOB/Smosh FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now