Chapter 13

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 "Come on you're coming with me." A voice said. The figure picked me up and carried me somewhere. If I wasn't so tired I would punch whoever this is. I woke up to being tied to a chair.

"What the bloody hell.." I looked around and I saw a figure watching me in the corner.

"We have the same phrase."

"And why should I give a damn?"

"Feisty I can see what Pan sees in you."


"The one and only."

"I knew it."

"You knew what?"

"That if Pan told you I was his girlfriend that you would try and take me."

"You aren't his girlfriend?"

"No, couldn't you see how I reacted when he told you that?"

"No, I guess I didn't pay attention to your reaction."

"Then you are dumber than he is." I said. "I hate Pan and you for that matter."

"Why? What did I ever do to you. I just met you."

"It's not what you did to me. It's what you did to Rumpelstiltskin."

"Wow I didn't know that he would be so desperate that he will sleep with a younger woman."

"Ew no! I was more like his daughter." I said. "He told me about Milah and how she left him for you."

"He was a coward. I was obviously the better choice."

"You more like a way to get away." I said. "Why would she choose a drunk pirate?"

"Watch what you say." He said.

"Yes, I know or else you will kill me." I said. "You don't scare me Captain Hook. You're just like all the other pirates in the world."

"And what would that be? Handsome?"

"No, a drunk." I said. "The only time I ever see pirates, they are drunk."

"Milah chose me because I am way better than Rumpelstiltskin." He said. "Now she is dead because of him."

"She chose you because she was seeking adventure, away from Rumple." I said.

"Who hurt you?"

"The reason why you're like this is because you were obviously hurt." Hook said.

"I'm like this because I have had a terrible life, okay? I wish people would stop hurting me or kidnapping me, but hey I guess that is my only use right?" I stated. "No one in my life treated me like royalty or like I mattered. I am sick and tired of people telling me what to do."


"Wow what?"

"You snapped." Hook said. "Have you ever told anyone how you feel?"

"No, I haven't even gotten started on how I feel." I said. "No one cares."

"I guess you can tell me. Until Pan finds you by tracking you."

"I can't be tracked." I said.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed.

"What?" I was confused until Pan walked in.

"Thank you old friend." Pan said.

"What?" I repeated.

"I wanted him to break you until you can tell us how you feel."

"Really?" I asked heartbroken.

"I'm sorry but he was controlling me." Hook said.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked Pan ignoring Hook.

"You're going to tell us everything." Pan said. "I'm tired of playing nice. I'm also tired of not knowing who you are."

"You're going to continue to not know who I am because I am never going to tell you." I said. I looked at both Hook and Pan. "I hate you both."

"Naughty girl." Pan said. Pan kept on hitting me until I blacked out. Once I started to regain consciousness I felt someone untie me and started carrying me somewhere.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm helping you." Hook said.

"Why should I trust you?"
"Because I don't think what Pan was doing was right. You don't deserve that."

"Thank you." I said. "But I still don't trust you."

"That's fine but we need to start walking."

"Okay." I said. 

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