Chapter Thirty

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After classes end the next day, I take the bus to Wyatt's college. I would have forgotten about it if he hadn't me early this morning. I woke up to pictures of him showing off his basketball jersey and practicing before the big game. I felt guilty as I lied about anticipating the important day. If I am being honest, the game slipped my mind. I can't be blamed either; the last week has been hectic, from spending time with Holden to my feelings for him and the never-ending guilt, but it's only been a few days. Everything is moving too fast and my head hurts. I want to get off the bus and buy Advil for my headache, but we already passed a pharmacy and slowing down in front of the gates of the university.

I thank the bus driver and walk onto campus after showing ID and explaining I'm visiting for the basketball game. The campus is similar to my school's, except their pathways aren't winding roads straight out of an adventure book. The majority of students are decked out in their school's gear or simply wearing the school colors: red and white. I feel like a spy invading an enemy's compound. But at least I'm not wearing my school's gear or colors. I'm dressed neutrally in a white blouse and blue jeans. I offered Cammie, Daphne, and Jay to come with me to the game, but they're all saving their energy for some bonfire tonight. Apparently, it's to celebrate the start of football season, or something to do with football, I'm not sure what exactly, I'm just shocked I didn't know about it until she said something. It goes to prove how much Holden has clouded my thoughts, leaving room only for him.

As I walk around trying to follow signs spaced out twenty feet from each other, the headache digs deeper and makes it harder to ignore.

Lavender: Can I take a quick nap in your bedroom before the game?

Wyatt: Sure. There's five hours to kill anyway

Wyatt: Which I'm sorry about btw

Wyatt: Thought I could hang with you. Grab smthn to eat before, but coach is pushing us hard.

Lavender: It's okay, I understand. What building do you live in?

After telling me the dorm building, room number, and telling me to hurry there so his roommate can let me in before leaving to study with his friends, I follow the not-so-helpful signs to a stone building with vines decorating the exterior. His roommate is a nice guy who I catch right as he's leaving the room. I explain to him I'm Wyatt's girlfriend and he lets me into the room. The walls are painted a blinding white and I easily identify Wyatt's side of the room from the basketball in the corner of the bed and clothes hung up on the headboard. I put his clothes in his hamper, toss empty beer cans into the trash, and open the window to get rid of the stench of marijuana.

I lie down in his bed, pull the blanket that smells just like him over me and close my eyes, praying my headache will disappear when I wake up again. I shift in the bed and hold his pillow close to me. But I don't fall asleep until the thought of Holden's arms wrapped around waist appears. Only then do I drift to sleep, dreaming of intense brown eyes and soft pink lips.

"Lavender?" A whisper pulls me out of a peaceful slumber.

I hum in response and get back a chuckle. The bed dips and arms wrap around me, but the person is holding me too tight and reeks of sweat. The room is darker and full of shadows.

"Coach just let us go early to get some rest before the game," Wyatt says and kisses my neck; I shiver. "The bastard kept me away from you too long." He kisses my neck again in what I assume is an attempt to start something I am not in the mood for. I lean forward and shift around to cover the fact I'm trying to stop his advances.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I ask groggily.

"I dunno... like three hours. You can sleep for another hour before we head out for the game," he assures me, and I nod.

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