Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My whole world froze around me while everyone else's seemed to keep on going. I could hear Abe saying my name "Rose... Rose, snap out of it, what are you doing?" he said it through gritted teeth trying to look like he had control of the situation, but it was pretty clear to me at that point he didn't. What the hell did he think I was doing? He had basically just told me I was about to be executed for something I didn't even do! As I stood there completely ignoring my "lawyer/dad", I looked straight passed him to see Lissa crying, I could sense her through the bond that she was feeling upset, scared for herself but more than anything she was scared for me. Her rush of feelings snapped me out of my daze of feeling sorry for myself, when I should be being strong for her and her needs. The last thing I wanted was for Liss to fall into her pit of depression. As Lissa caught my eye I gave her a small smile which made her feel a small amount of reassurance. I lifted my head as the guardians came to escort me back to my cell. I walked forward with my head held high ignoring the looks and whispers, I had had that all my life and was used to it, why should another rumour affect me?... because Rose their going to execute you if you don't prove that you're not the one who murdered the queen. My smile turned a bit twisted after that thought and I decided to go with the emotionless face of a guardian or an ex guardian in my case. I heard Abe telling me to trust him as I left the court room. 

Sitting in my cell felt like the worst thing in the world at that moment. It was so plain, there was nothing to do. My guards stayed silent, they didn't even look at me so I just lay on my extra thin bed. I was peering up at the ceiling hoping to find something to distract me from my thoughts of why the hell I was in this position, and how I would get out of it since I was coming up blank, which was not very helpful if I'm honest. 

I decided to slip into Lissa's mind; it was just like breathing I was so used to doing it. Lissa was in her room sat on the end of her bed. Her room was so luscious that it seemed like it was made to fit her tastes in every way. Christian was leaning down in front of her with his hands on her cheeks, wiping the tears that were swiftly falling from her eyes. "I know she will be ok, Rose is strong, she will get through this, she has to." His voice was comforting, not only to Lissa but to me, it gave me a small boost of willpower. 

"But what if she doesn't? I know she is strong but there is only so much a person can deal with." Her hands were shaking with fear, I wished I could tell her that everything would work out, but I wasn't there and even if I was I don't know whether I could lie to her again. I was already keeping the letter from Tatiana a secret. I didn't know how I would drop that bombshell on her especially in her fragile state. 

"Well then maybe you need to be strong for her, we know that she's innocent, we just need to prove it" He pulled Lissa up and into his arms, holding her securely like nothing could hurt her, she tipped her head back slightly and looked up to Christian and smiled at his wise words. She went up on her tiptoes to kiss Christian but he leaned his head down to her so she would be more comfortable. When it came down to it Christian always had Lissa's best interest at heart no matter how much we argued. I even considered him as one of my closest friends these days. Things had changed so much; it was hard to believe that not so long ago I was trying to keep him away from Lissa because I thought he was a bad influence. It was always awkward being in Lissa's head when her and Christian were together, that's why I was glad when they was quickly distracted by a knock at the door. Lissa could sense who it was through her "aura vision" and opened the door without a second thought. Only when she opened the door she was confused by the look on his face. 

"Adrian, what's happened?"

So this is my first chapter of VA Last Sacrifice. Hope you like it and please give feed back :)

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