Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It still light outside so I assumed that when we got to Russia it would be dark again. Turbulence had hit and I hated it. It was bad enough that I was bored out of my skull but being made to feel sick by turbulence did not help. Why is it that its me that has to be stuck on the longest flight in the world. I knew it wasn't the longest flight in the world but still it felt like it. I couldn't wait to land. I was starting to get pissed off with the air attendants calling me 'Sir' and offering me drinks. I drifted in and out of sleep whilst waiting for the flight to be over.

When we finally landed and I had got my stuff, a car was waiting for me outside to drive me to Baia. I was happy that we had landed but it was still more sitting around I just wanted to do something. About an hour later my wish seemed to come true. The driver had pulled over at a gas station to fill up because the tank was nearly empty and apparently there wasn't another gas station for twenty miles. We weren't to far from the Belikov's house only another fifteen minutes in the car. I were sat patiently waiting for the guy to get back in the car until I heard I thud. My nausea hit me straight away and I jumped out of the car. There was a Strigoi right in front of me. I pulled the driver out of the way and shoved him into the car. The Strigoi kicked me and my stomach and I nearly lost my balance. I pulled my stake out and fought until there was an opening only when there was it was because the Strigoi had frozen. I was about to stake it right in the heart until I saw her face. It was Ms Karp. How did she end up in Russia? I was about to say something and realised why she was staring at me so intently. It was because I was Mikhail, her ex-lover. She was about to run away. I didn't know what to do so I just let the first thing that came out of my mind come out. "There is a way to bring you back, a way to save your soul." She just stared and stayed silent so I carried on. There are other spirit users, they have learnt how to control there emotions. The can help you." Sadness crossed her face. I think she was remembering her time that she once had with Mikhail. This time she did actually run away... I got back in the car feeling guilty that there was nothing I could do for her there and then. But it was up to and between her and Mikhail not me. The driver drove away not knowing what had just happened between me and Ms Karp. He was kind of really calm considering what had just happened. He had just nearly been killed. The driver pulled over at the house that I was longing to see. I got out and the driver gave me his number in case I needed taking anywhere. I stepped up to the door with my things and knocked on.

Olena Belikov answered the door and just looked at me. I smiled at her and she just looked completely confused. "Olena, I know I look weird right now but you will understand in a minute, you need to let me in." She looked wary of whether or not to let me in but I think she decided that there was a house full of Dhampir's there so the likeness of me attacking was small. She stepped aside and shut the door. The whole family was there: Viktoria, Sonia and her new baby, Karolina and her baby girl and son Paul. The only one missing was Yeva. I looked at them all smiling especially at Sonia's new baby. Olena coughed.

"Oh, right yeah." I took the ring off and put it in my pocket and they all saw me. Olena rushed towards me and embraced me with a huge hug. The rest of the family got up and hugged me. We all said out 'hello's'. Everyone was so shocked to see me. "You must be starving!" Olena went straight to getting me something to eat. new all sat around the dining table. Viktoria sat next to me. "I'm so sorry for snapping at you before you left Rose, I shouldn't have. You were right about that guy, he was a complete creep!" I smiled at her.

"It's ok Vik, you wasn't to know." Olena came and sat on the other side of me and placed a plate of food in front of me. I felt like I was home. "So, why are you here? What was with the disguise? I only told Dimka the other day that I couldn't wait to see you both. Where is he?" She looked over to the door as if he was about to come in. I sighed. It was now up to me to tell them why I was here and with out Dimitri. Olena could tell something was wrong. "Rose, what's up?" And so I began...

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