Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Slipping into Lissa's head was now so easy that I sometimes did it unintentionally. This time when I had done it she was on the plane back from Russia with the others. I was glad because at least then I would have some visitors. She was just drifting into a light sleep. I decided that even though I was accidently there, there was no point in me staying. I lied back on my uncomfortable bed and closed my eyes hoping that sleep would take me under its darkness. It was so hard especially with the time change. My sleep was now completely messed up. It was daytime outside which meant I should be sleeping since the Royal Court ran on a nocturnal schedule. I'm not sure how long it took me to fall to sleep but as soon as I did I knew about it. I was surprised to see Adrian waiting for me in a small living room with only a couch and a chair. He seemed to be waiting for me. I walked into the room and sat on the chair. He had his hand in his face and looked up at me. "Do you only ever sleep every once in a while these days?" What the hell was he going on about?

"Um, no, I sleep every night. Why?" he shook his head.

"I have been trying to visit your dreams ever since you sent me and Mia back to Court." I smiled at him.

"There are such things as telephones you know." He smiled back at me.

"It must have been the time difference, which is probably why you haven't caught me sleeping."

"Yeah, you're probably right but then why are you asleep now because it is only just night here." I looked at him. Clearly his Mother hadn't told him that I was back.

"I'm in Court too. I'm back in jail." He jumped up from the couch.

"What. why? What has happened? I'm coming to you now."

"Oh sit down Adrian. The guardians in Russia arrested me because I am supposed to be in custody. Remember? The others are on there way back now too." Adrian calmed down again and took a seat. I shook my head at his little outburst.

"So does that mean you know what happened to Aunt...?" He didn't say her name he just looked into my eyes pleading and so I began... Again. I told he the whole story. I even told him about me and Dimitri. I thought he would be upset with me about it but he seemed happy for me.

"So? Why have you been trying to visit me?" He looked too the ground. I couldn't figure what could silence Adrian.

"Adrian? What is it?" I knew he wanted to tell me something but he just couldn't get it out.

"Just spit it out!" I kind of shouted at him but he was pissing me off. I'd had a long flight and was stuck in a crummy jail and he was having trouble trying to tell me something.

"I, I just wanted to tell you before anyone else did. I'm seeing someone else." Wow, well that was quick. I knew I couldn't talk considering I was back with Dimitri but this was different he wasn't already in love with someone else.

"Oh, ok. Who? Do I no them?" he nodded his head. I was trying to think of people he could like that I knew. "Adrian I'm, not going to go through everyone we know, just tell me!"

"It's Mia!" Ok I didn't expect that, I was a little surprised but I smiled. I was happy for him and Mia. She was nice and was a pretty good friend.

"Ok, so when did all this happen?" He shrugged.

"When we went to New Orleans to stay with Sydney. We didn't do anything, we just got on really good and things just lead from one thing to another. When we broke up I really started to see so much more in Mia than I have before. Since we have been back at Court we have been hanging out and were not actually official or anything but you know how rumours and gossip get around here." Yeah I did no that. Well at least Adrian wouldn't still be hurting over me anymore. I got up from the chair and walked over to Adrian. I hugged him closely. "I'm glad you have found someone." He nodded.

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