Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I loved sleeping next to Dimitri. Knowing he was there with me felt good. His warmth, love and protection wrapped around my body. I knew I didn't need protection but it was nice to have it anyway. I sat up in bed and looked at Dimitri. I think I had just woken him up because his eye lashes were fluttering ready to open. I smiled to myself and climbed out of bed. I tiptoed over to the bathroom and switched the shower on. I took the t shirt I was wearing off and climbed in. I looked on the shower shelves to see what I could wash my body with. Everything this was men's stuff so that would have to do. I squirted out some shower gel onto a sponge and washed my hair and body. When I got out of the shower I reached for a towel and walked back into the bedroom. Dimitri was no longer in bed. He was shutting the door. Who was here at this time? He walked over to me and kissed me on my head.

"Good morning." I smiled at him.

"Morning. Who was at the door?" He passed me a pile of clothes.

"It was Lissa, she brought you some clothes. She said she went to see you in your room but you weren't there so she came here instead."

"Oh, well it was nice of her to bring me some clothes." I was laying out what she had brought me on the bed. The clothes seemed kind of formal.

"Yeah it was. I think she is planning on going to the council today whilst there are getting together to discuss who should be the next King or Queen." I nodded

"Is it an open council? Can we go" He nodded his head.

"Yes if you want to." I really did, I wanted to make sure that Lissa got on the council and got her vote no matter what. I nodded back to Dimitri and he kissed me once again. "I'm going to have a shower." He walked into the bathroom and I got dressed into the formal black trousers and long but fitted pastel pink top. Not my favourite colour but it looked good on me. I actually blow dried my hair, amazed that I remembered how to use one it had been so long. Whilst brushing it through Dimitri came into the room and started to dress. "What are the rest of your family planning on doing since they are living here?" Dimitri shrugged but he had an answer.

"Karolina, Sonya and Mum are going to look for jobs and hopefully make enough money to open there own business but they don't know what yet. Viktoria and Paul are going to enrol at St Vladimir's as soon as the summer holidays are over." Oh well that sounded like a good idea.

"Oh, right sounds good. At least they know what they wanted to do."

"What do you mean?" Dimitri sat on the bed looking at me whilst put his hair into a tie at the back of his neck.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I need a job and somewhere to live."

"I thought you always wanted to be a guardian?" I nodded my head.

"I do but do you really think anyone will want me as there guardian after everything that has happened?"

"Maybe, maybe not. You can't just give up though."

"I don't want to be stuck behind a desk doing paperwork forever though if no one will have me. Then I have to think about getting somewhere to live. I can't get somewhere to live if I don't have any money to do that with." Dimitri took my hands into his.

"Don't worry, we will figure something out." He kissed me on my lips. After our discussion a started getting messages in my head.

"Hurry up you too, if you want breakfast before the open council you will need to get a wiggle on." I laughed at Lissa's term of words.

"Come on we need to go, Liss is hassling me." Dimitri nodded and we set out into the Court for the first time holding hand and stating that we were both free citizens in a relationship. We headed to the quiet café where Liss, Christian and his Aunt Tasha were waiting to order. We promptly sat down and ordered knowing that we were late and the others were hungry.

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