Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up the next morning not know what to think of my dream with Adrian. Maybe it wasn't really him; maybe it was actually a real dream. Who was I kidding, Adrian probably realised that he doesn't need me. All I am is a Dhampir. I always knew that it wasn't like we would be together forever. Our world just didn't work like that. He had probably had enough of all the baggage I had come with. It hurt me inside. I seemed to be everyone's reject but maybe this time it was for the best.

I went downstairs actually happy to see Dimitri's family, my family, because that was what it felt like. Olena had made a huge breakfast for which I was grateful. I knew that today I had to speak to Yeva. I was kind of nervous, I knew that she was ill but I bet it made her look scarier than she already did. I felt guilty for think it but I t was, she was a scary old lady. Just after I had wolfed down my breakfast Paul came into the room. "Rose, Grandma wants to speak with you." I looked around at Viktoria and she just nodded for me to go. I was kind of hoping someone would go with me. I got up from the chair and headed up the stairs. Paul didn't follow me he had stayed in the dining area. Oh god, I hoped she would speak English. I knocked on her bedroom door and I heard a voice speak something that clearly was not English. I walked in hoping that she hadn't told me to wait. But even if she had it would have been her own fault because she knows that I cannot speak Russian. She sat up in her bed. She had a dressing gown on but I could see part of her white silk gown underneath it. She didn't look as scary as usual which was weird because I thought being ill would have made her look worse but this time she looked a little angelic. "Come and sit down Rose." Her voice was heavily accented and I knew I would have to pay full attention to understand her fully. I went and sat in the chair beside her bed. Yeva had started to cough, she seemed like she was choking when a weaning sound was coming from her lungs. I got straight back up and helped her lean forward. I passed her a glass of water that was on her bedside cabinet and she sipped at it. "Are you ok Yeva?" she passed me back the glass of water and I put it down and once again I took my seat. "Not really, I'm going to die soon." Wow, wasn't she cheerful today.

"Don't say stuff like that."

"Why not it's true, anyway that is not why I wanted to talk to you, tell me what happened after you left here last time and don't miss anything out... By the way I can't believe that you're supposed to be in jail for treason!" She couldn't believe it, neither could I. So I started telling her my story of what happened. She did respond but it was in Russian so I had no idea what she was going on about. I just kept going with the story right up until this very day. She just looked at me waiting for more. "Uh, that's it, the whole story." She shook her head.

"No it's not, what about you and Dimka, I heard you tell the others last night that you were no longer together." I was surprised that she wasn't jumping out of bed in joy.

"Well if you heard last night why do I need to repeat myself." She smirked at me because she knew that there wasn't a chance I would speak of it again. I jumped straight into the reason why I was here because the Queen told me to come. "So, I'm here because Queen Tatiana told me that you had information on the killer." Yeva nodded. "Yes I do, in fact I saw him."

"What do you mean you saw him?" She looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I had a vision rose, I saw the Queen murdered before it even happened. The man had gloves on and he snuck into a room and stole a silver stake, which I am now presuming is yours?"

"Yes, that would be correct." I sighed

"I have no idea where the Queens Royal Guardian's were because he just walked in and stood over the Queen while she was sleeping. She opened her eyes and before she could do anything or say anything he stabbed her deep in her heart. I watched the life leave her eyes." I looked at her astonished.

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