Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After a while of tossing a turning sleep finally took over my body. I didn't dream very much, not that I can remember and I wasn't visited in my sleep, thank god. I woke up to because I could feel Lissa's excitement. She was happy that she might find this sibling of hers. When I sat up in my bed she was sat in front of the TV obviously no watching it. She was too keyed up, her hands were tapping together and her feet were constantly moving.

"Liss" She looked over at me and saw me smiling because, how could you not, she was like a child at a party. "Are you ok over there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine I'm just ready to go and meet her... Or him" She was practically jumping up and down by this point. Mia suddenly shot up out of bed, I think we might have scared her out of sleep, she looked around like she was checking the area for anything that might be of harm and me and Lissa just burst out laughing.

"Ok, ha ha, very funny" Mia said starting to join in with our laughter. I got up and decided to have a shower to freshen up. I couldn't wait to get downstairs, I was starving!

When I got out of the shower and dressed, the knocking on my head started again. Lissa had noticed my aura going darker. "Oh, not again!" I mumbled angrily.

"What is it?" She looked at me and I could see the concern in her face. That was when I let my guard down and looked around to face my empty bed. Tatiana was once again here and sat on the bed. I looked at her and she was trying to speak to me like Mason used to do. After a minute nothing had still come out. "Liss, get me a piece of paper... and a pen." She didn't question me she just walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later. Mia was just sat there watching me completely oblivious to what was happening. I took the paper and pen and sat next to the Queen. She new exactly what I was doing. She started to write letters on the paper with her fingers and I followed with a pen. After about 10 minutes I looked at her and read the note out loud.

You need to get a map so I can show you where you need to go. The murderer is still on the loose and every minute the murderer is free, you are putting the Moroi in danger.

Lissa, you are doing a good job in finding your sibling. I'm sorry I can't give you anymore information; it is something you need to do for yourself! I am sorry that I could not reveal my plans for you while I was alive but I know Ambrose has told you everything you need to no. You will make a great leader, I have faith in you.

Queen Tatiana.

Lissa was in total shock, she was happy that the queen was sill able to guide her even if it wasn't much information. Mia had finally clicked on and went to get a map. When she came back she handed it to me. I flicked to the contents page and the Queen hovered her finger over Page 38. I flicked it straight to that page without even looking at what the country was. She placed her finger on the exact place where she wanted me to go.

Baia, Russia. I couldn't believe it my mouth dropped, I looked at the Queen. "Are you serious! You want me to go to Russia! Are you forgetting that I cleaned nearly a house full of Strigoi there and there will be hundreds that want to kill me!" She knew I was just stalling because I knew where she wanted me to go and I don't think I was ready for that. The Queen placed her finger over the paper and I began to write again.

Rose, you don't have a choice. You have to be ready. Time is running out! You need to go as soon as possible and you need to go alone. Yeva needs you!

I dropped the pen and like that she was gone. "That was really weird." Mia had said.

"Tell me about it!" I said back to her.

"But who's Yeva?" Lissa had joined in as well then.

"She is Dimitri's scary Grandma; I did tell you abut her when I got back."

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