Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Time in jail passed so slowly, when anything at all happened it seemed huge, like the changing of guards on my cell. I stood up to say hello to whoever was swapping with the guys on duty only the guards that were already stood there didn't move. Han's walked over to me.

"I'm here with a message from Princess Vasilisa." That was weird why didn't she just tell me herself? I nodded at Han's

"Ok, what is it?"

"She say to visit her through the bond at midnight, it is important. Yeva has taken a turn for the worst and wants to do a reading." What! I was so concerned, I had started to get used to Yeva and her scariness. I didn't want her to die. She was like a Grandmother to me. I nodded at Han's.

"Thank you, it means a lot, how long have I got until midnight?" He looked at his watch.

"About five minutes." I nodded. I was feeling nervous and scared. I didn't want Yeva to say goodbye and give up. Lissa might still be able to help her. Even if that was the case though, it wouldn't last very long. Yeva was just really old. I sat on the bed and concentrated on Lissa. She sat in a large room. All of the furniture had been pushed back. She was sat in a circle with others: Christian, Dimitri, Viktoria, Eddie, Olena, Karolina and Yeva. Sonya (Dimitri's sister) was just entering the room.

"I have told Paul to look after the babies, he will be fine Royah is with them." She sat down and joined the others. Olena nodded at her.

"Do you think Rose is here yet?" Olena asked Lissa.

"Yes, I can't tell for sure but she will be." Liss looked down at her own watch and it was midnight. "It's time, we should begin." Yeva lied back onto the floor. I understood what Han's meant now about the reading. She was going to try and see the future of her loved ones. She closed her eyes and her body went stiff for a moment. Lissa looked around at everyone. The Belikov's seemed used to it but Eddie and Christian were both as shocked as her. I thought for a moment that she was dead but luckily she was still moving. After a few minutes of silence her body relaxed and Dimitri helped her sit up. She looked slowly around the circle. "It was the right choice to come here Olena." She was looking at her daughter full with pride. "Everything will work out eventually. I want you to know though that anything that has happened in the past that might have upset our relationship I have forgotten. You are my daughter and I love you and I am proud of you." Lissa looked over at Olena and a tear had escaped from her eye. "I love you too." It was hard to concentrate everyone was so emotional, even Lissa who hardly knew Yeva was on the edge of tears. "I cannot tell who these things will happen too but know this. They will happen." Everyone was looking at each other. This was it. Yeva began to speak again. "A lot of change is about to occur. Someone will find out that they are carrying a child. This child will be a blessing to the parents as is every child." Yeva paused for a moment while getting her breath back. Her breathing was becoming more and more difficult as she went on. "There is to be a beautiful wedding that is going to happen very soon. I will be a very important day not just fro whoever the couple is but for everyone." This time Yeva looked straight a Liss. "Princess Vasilisa, you need to go and appeal for your vote on the council very soon. You may not realise it but your input in the council is very important to the Moroi. Some are even trying to get others to consider you as the next Queen!" Lissa and I both gasped at the same time. Neither of us had even considered the thought of her being Queen. Yeva then looked away and round at everyone else. "A video recording had been found. It is very important although I do not no myself what is on it only that you need to find it. It is in the Guardian's Head Quarters where all of the files are kept. I believe Rose has been there before." I could feel Lissa blushing. It was true I did no where she meant because that was where I had to go to find the files on the prisons so I could get Viktor out of prison. Maybe the video had something to do with him. I wasn't sure. Yeva had taken a moment to control her breathing but she ended up having a coughing fit. Dimitri put a few pillows behind her head so she could lie back reclined so she could still see everyone. "Vasilisa come here next to Dimitri." That was weird why did she wasn't her to do that. Liss didn't argue. She moved away from Christian and sat by Dimitri, he shrugged not knowing what Yeva was doing. Yeva then took Dimitri's hand. "You are so lucky to have Rose. I am happy that you finally found each other. When you were first born I had a vision that you would meet your soul mate and you have." A tear fell from Yeva's face. I could no longer hold in my own tears. "Rose." She looked straight into Lissa's eyes but I knew she could see me. "Thank you for everything you have done for this family. You have been more than just a girlfriend to Dimitri; you have been a daughter to me and Olena. It was because of you that it was even possible for me to see Dimitri again and I am forever grateful. You will always be apart of this family and I do love you, even if you do call me scary." Yeva and Dimitri both smiled and I was smiling too. We were all crying but yet all smiling. The room was filled with love and brightness. We all knew that there would be a brighter future. Yeva then laid her head back. "I love you all. Take care of each other, now more than ever." Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes listening to Yeva breathing. It was getting slower and soon come to a stop. Lissa moved back over to Christian and started weeping. Lissa and I both watched Yeva's aura disappear. She was gone. The room was then filled with sadness. Everyone cried and held each other. Eddie was holding Viktoria tightly. She was shaking more than anyone. Olena sat still looking straight at her Mother. Tear were falling down her cheeks. She didn't wipe them; she just stayed still and silent. Time was passing and nobody moved. The tears were coming and going. Dimitri finally stood up and the others followed his lead. Lissa stepped outside and told her guardians that they needed to move Yeva's body and take her to a morgue. Olena looked thankful that Lissa was willing to deal with everything because she wasn't in any fit state to. Royah then walked into the room and Lissa had told her not to come in any further because Yeva had died. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew it was true I heard her breathing stop. I watched her aura disappear but it was so unreal. I let my mind go back to my own body and sat there in the jail cell. I was crying so much. The guards really seemed concerned. They gave me a glass of water which I accepted. "I'm sorry; I'm probably scaring the life out of you. It's just my Grandmother has just died." The guardians both nodded.

"We're sorry to hear that Rose."

"Do you mind giving me a little privacy; I just want to be alone for a few moments." The guards both looked at each other and walked away up the hall. They didn't leave completely but they did enough so they couldn't hear or see anything not unless I started shouting. I let my guards come down away from my body. I wanted to see if Yeva was a ghost. I needed to know if everything that just happened was real because I was starting to doubt myself. I stood there for a minute confused as to why I couldn't see any ghosts and then realised I was behind magical wards which kept the dead or undead out. I sat back down on my bed knowing it was true. I let the tears fall from my face knowing that I had to get it all out.

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