Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Two days had passed and nothing new had happened. I was getting restless waiting around for this murderer to come to me. I wanted to be out in the world tracking him down and clearing my name but Yeva told me it would be best to wait. I was still reading Dimitri's western book which I had found, I was actually really into it! While I was reading in the living room Lissa's feelings suddenly took over me, she was scared and in pain and then unexpectedly I was no longer at Dimitri's house I was in the back of a car looking out of the window. Eddie was outside of the car and Christian was trying to get out of the front.

"Christian, please, stay in the car." Lissa was scared that Christian would get hurt but there weren't any Strigoi just three men that any of us recognised. He gave her a regretful look and got out of the car helping Eddie fight off the two men. He set the first one on fire and the man collapsed. Lissa looked around only to see that one of the men had grabbed Royah. She screamed! "Royah!" She jumped out of the car to go and help her sister but she was too late. Another car had drove up and the man jumped in pulling Royah along with him. Lissa started running after the car but soon had to stop as she couldn't breathe. Christian helped her up. "Don't worry, we'll go after them." He escorted her back to the car. Eddie was already in the driver's seat. He had a big cut around his eye but he still had adrenaline pumping through him and didn't feel it. Lissa lean forwards and touched his cut. Like that it disappeared and Eddie was in perfect condition. I forced my mind back into its own body. Sonia was sat in front of me. "Rose, are you ok?" I blinked a few times and nodded my head whilst getting up. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to..." My words trailed off as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and rang Liss.

"Rose!" She cried down the phone to me.

"Shh, I know it's ok, we will find her. This just proves that Yeva's visions are right. It is apart of Viktors plan but he doesn't know that we know he is bringing Royah to Russia." Her crying had settled.

"You're right. What should we do now?"

"Ring Abe and get him to book you a flight to Russia. Come straight to me!"

"Ok, I will." She spoke hurriedly and put the phone down. Sonya was still looking at me. "What was all that about?" I looked at her a smiled; know one here had ever seen me go into Lissa's body before. "Well you know how I sometimes can see what my bond mate can see..." Sonia started nodding. "It happens when her emotions are running really high and I can't always control it."

"So what has happened? Is she ok?" I nodded back

"Yeah she's fine but her and our friends just got attacked and they took Lissa's sister who she has only just found."

"You seem awfully calm considering what has just happened."

"It's because I know where the kidnappers are taking her because Yeva saw a vision and they are coming to Russia." Sonia clicked on.

"Right, so your friend is coming here?"

"Yes, I will ask Mark and Oksana if they can stay with them. I mean they must have loads to talk about with Lissa being a spirit user."

"You're right. Is Lissa the one that helped save Dimitri?" I nodded at her and I think she knew I wasn't going to elaborate. I went upstairs to put my book away and get ready to go and see Mark and Oksana to check if he plans I had made was ok. I chucked the book onto the pillow of the bed. I heard a lot of shouting and banging downstairs and I wondered what the hell was going on. I walked out of my room and ran into Yeva.

"What's going on down there?" she looked at me and smiled. She was feeling better since Oksana had healed her with spirit.

"Dimka has arrived." My heart dropped and Yeva knew it because she could see the pain on my face.

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