Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I suddenly jolted back into my own head. The atmosphere was so tense at Lissa's that it made me jump out of my skin when I heard the heavy weight door in the jail slam shut. I looked up through my eyelashes to see who it was. There were three guardians approaching me so I assumed it was time for the guards that were with me to have a break... Until I saw Dimitri. My heart felt like it had dropped into my stomach, I couldn't believe it was him walking down hall with his duster on and his hair tied into a short ponytail at the back of his neck. Although we had spoke to each other in the café like actual civilized adults I was still really hurt and cut up about what he had said to me in church. "Love fades. Mine has". The thought of it made my eyes sting so I turned away so he wouldn't see me cry since I was no longer his problem to deal with. All of a sudden all of the rage I had been holding inside was coming to the surface. I wiped the tears from my face annoyed that I was even crying over someone that probably would never cry over me. I sat there tapping my foot impatiently waiting for him to say something to me and as soon as he did my tapping came to a stop, my whole body was shaking in rage, in pain of what he had done to me after all I went through to get him back. I suddenly felt annoyed that he was completely happy with the thought of being around Lissa after what she had done but what about me, what about what I had done.

"Rose." He said it so quietly it was near to a whisper. I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him. "Rose." He spoke more loudly this time knowing that I heard him the first time. I turned myself around and faced him in acknowledgement to let him no that I was listening. I put of my emotionless face, which I thought hurt him a little but then decided I doubt that it did after all "love fades" right! "Roza, please just talk to me." My face the faltered from its guardian mode to sheer anger and pain.

"Don't!" I practically shouted at him the anger in my voice was so strong... "Just don't, you have no right to say that to me!" His face turned sad but only for a second, what did he expect, that I would melt and be happy that he had just forced onto me an inch of hope that he still cared, that was something I couldn't deal with. He couldn't just use my feelings for him when he wanted something. It didn't work like that.

"I'm sorry you're right, I shouldn't have said that."

"Why are you here, what do you want?"

He stayed silent for a moment, and I was growing impatient again.

"Their giving more freedom" he nodded over to the two guards that stood waiting for him. I guess that was an upgrade than having five. "I even have the freedom to make phone calls now. I phoned my family and told them that I was alive again." He paused for a moment but before I could say anything he carried on. "They heard the rumours of what happened to me and was so relieved to find out it were true. They wanted me to pass on their thanks to you because they knew it was down to you why I'm me again." I accidently let out a small smile which I didn't mean for Dimitri to see but I think he did. I missed his family so much, they had treated my like I was a sister, a daughter and even Yeva treated me like she would family. "They miss you, especially Viktoria." I looked at Dimitri in surprise since me and Viktoria hadn't really left on good terms.

"I miss them too." I said whilst remembering being with them. Even though the reason I was there was so awful they made it so pleasant.

"They want us to go and visit them soon" I was startled at the "us" part, that must have meant he hadn't told them that there was no longer an "us" which made me ask myself questions like why? I pushed that thought aside wondering if they knew I was in prison. My anger suddenly flared up again, why hadn't he told them that I was in jail for treason! It wasn't like I could just pack my bags and go, I was about to be fucking executed for murder for god's sake. I shot off the bed, leaning right against the bar. "Oh right, because it's that simple is it, its not like I'm going to be executed or anything!"

"Don't say that Rose." He spoke firmly to me and I was about to sit myself back down until I thought to myself, Why the hell not it wasn't as if we were together, it wasn't as if he cared.

"Why not? Because you actually give a shit?" He looked at me in shock, but I carried on "oh yeah, you don't do you because 'love fades' remember, why don't you tell your family that instead of lying to them. I sat back down and turned away from him. I heard his footsteps as he walked away. As soon as I heard the door shut I gave into the anger and punched the wall. After a while of calming down I realised that the side affects had just taken over me from being shadow kissed and felt guilty for being so horrible to Dimitri. I mean he was still going through stuff on his own without my problems and I wouldn't burden him with them.

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