Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 5

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I walked over to the door slipping my ring on. It was Adrian.

"Women... Always keeping us waiting." I looked down at myself and just laughed. After I got over my small amount of hysterics I leaned in to kiss Adrian. He stepped back from me. "As much as I love you Little Dhampir I am not kissing a man, well you in a man's body, it would just be weird and you no people around here, it'll probably get back to the court that I'm gay and have run off because my Father wouldn't approve and I could even be married and being trying to find someone to have our love child." I just looked at him and the hysterical laughter took place again except this time we were both laughing. It took us ten minutes to do a two minute walk to the Lobby. Everyone looked confused but was all smiling. I thinking the laughing was catching on. After we managed to control ourselves, we set out in two taxis to the Witching Hour to carry out our plan. As we got out of the taxi's we stood on the sidewalk waiting for Abe to pay the drivers. No doubt he would give a big tip. We walked into the Witching Hour, it was like going death, it was so busy, there were people talking loudly trying to make them selves heard over the noise of the slot machines. Money was dropping from the bandits. The people that worked on the Roulette were shouting for players. People were cheering on winning friends. There was even a couple having an argument and a woman in her twenty's I'd say walking off in a paddy. People were stood at the bar drinking god knows what but they seemed a little far gone. Abe went and got himself a private table, we had decided we didn't want to hang around with him in the casino as we might look a little weird, six young adults and one old-ish man. After we saw that he was settled we paired off. Mia and Christian went to check out the Roulette to see if they could get talking to anyone. We decided that it would be best if every pair had one out of the two that could fight. Lissa and Eddie went to see if they could get into a showgirl sitting at last minute, which would probably cost them. Adrian had wished that we were going to the show but it purposely didn't work out like that. This meant we were going to be stationed at the bar and see if we could get anyone talking about Eric Dragomir. As we all split off I watched after Lissa because I could feel her emotions were full of worry and nerves. Maybe tonight was the night she would find her sibling. I skulked off after Adrian to the bar; I went to hold his hand and immediately pulled my hand back. I wished that Lissa had at least made me look like a woman but no I was stuck like this. Adrian called the barman over and began to order. "I'll have a..." but then I took over because we couldn't be doing with a drunken Adrian, we need him with his full senses. "We'll both have cokes please." They both looked at me. They were both confused that Adrian's 'guardian' was ordering for the both of us. Adrian decided to let it go though apparently and nodded to the barman. He walked off to get out drinks.

"Rose, you can't forget, you are my guardian tonight." I looked at him, I knew I was in the wrong, what was I thinking I was going to blow the whole thing if I carried on. "You're right I'm sorry." The barman came back to us with out drinks. We both sat at the bar making light conversations with the public that were coming for drinks but we didn't find any solid leads for about an hour. The exact man that we had seen last time appeared what seemed like out of know where. It was a relief really because I didn't want to go back to the room with nothing. I had forgotten he had said he was a manager here. He walked up to the bar and took a seat next to Adrian. We didn't say anything to him at first. We thought it would be best if he settled in and got comfy and that was exactly what he did. "Don't I know you" then man said politely looking at Adrian. Adrian looked at him and pleasantly smiled. "I think we met last time I was here. You're the manager right?" The man lent forward and offered his hand to Adrian to shake. Adrian didn't hesitate. "Yes I am, Michael Jones"

"I'm Adrian Ivashkov, and this is my guarding Mikhail" Michael looked towards me and nodded, I nodded back being the silent guardian. "So, what brings you here?" Adrian looked at him and decided to jump right in. We needed to find this sibling and we couldn't do it if we had to keep it too quiet. "I'm looking for someone, a sibling of a friend's. Poor girl only just found out that she has a brother or a sister. No more information that's it." Michael looked at Adrian taking in his words and nodding at what he was saying.

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