Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I woke early the next morning. I had hoped that it wouldn't come around so soon but it did. I crept out of the bed and went into the bathroom to shower. When I came back into the bedroom Dimitri was just waking up. He was tapping the side of the bed that I had slept in but his eyes were not yet open. He sprang up when he only felt the duvet covers and not my body. He looked all rugged but I just made him even sexier. I smiled at him as he looked at me in my towel. "I thought you were gone." He said.

"I woke up early and thought I would have a shower." He nodded his over and put his arms out as if he was reaching to me. I walked over to him and he pulled me into his lap. He kissed behind my ear and then whispered "Good morning Roza." It was our first night we had spent together. I kissed him on his lips. "Good morning to you too." Dimitri got up and went to shower whilst I was getting dressed. We thought it would be for the best considering we had a busy day ahead of us and we didn't want any distractions. When I went down stairs Liss and the others were just arriving. None of them were very cheerful but they were all ready for action. I could feel that Lissa was scared and I sat next to her in the living room. "Don't worry about us. It will be fine." She nodded unsure of whether that my predictions were right but she had trust in me. In the kitchen Olena was cooking a big breakfast for us all. We managed to squeeze into the kitchen to eat, some of us standing and others sitting. We all sat in silence not wanting to discuss the plan but knowing that we probably should soon. Fifteen minutes before we were scheduled to leave, Mum and the other two guardians showed up with Abe. We went over the plan promptly and said our goodbyes to everyone not knowing whether we would actually come back. I told Dimitri that I loved him and give him a quick kiss on the lips. It was short but powerful. We then all grabbed out bags which Abe and Mum had prepared. They had duct tape in and knives and all sorts of things for keeping prisoners. We set out and walked to the house in silence. The tension has high but we managed to get passed it. It was precisely 9.20am and we were all in our positions. Dimitri and Eddie were at the back of the mansion and would go in though the door there and the rest of us were at the front. Surprisingly the house only had two exits. The front and back door, unless you was planning on climbing out of a window. Christian stayed by the front door ready and waiting for Royah to escape so that he could take her back to the house. He was also a back up plan in case anything went wrong. We managed to get into the house to scout out the downstairs and look for anything dangerous. The Strigoi would have heard us by now so if they were going to attack they would. We entered the room's downstairs cautiously. We were now into out pain and Janine and I were a good partnership when it came to hunting. A Strigoi was waiting though and attacked. He didn't expect two of us though and we managed to take him down pretty quickly with a stake though his heart. We left the room and headed upstairs. We were now looking for Royah who would hopefully lead us to Viktor, his brother and Mikhail. The house was old fashioned and had know furniture in it but the design was beautiful. It looked kind of creepy though because it was really dusty and had cobwebs everywhere. I snapped out of my thoughts of interior designs and back into guardian mode. What was I doing thinking about the décor when I need my head in the mission. We walked into a large empty room and Mikhail was leaning against the wall. "I wondered how long it would take for you to get to me." He said. What was he doing? Why had he thrown his life away for the sake of Viktor? I stepped forward to attack Mikhail. The best way to deal with him was if he was unconscious. He moved like the speed of light in front of me and punched me across my face. I'll admit it, it hurt but I couldn't let it show I had to fight back to protect myself and the others. We were too late Mikhail had been 'awakened'. I took out my stake and fought with Mikhail, we both took big hit but I think I was getting the worst of it. I heard a yelp and watched as Mum flew across the room into a wall. Another Strigoi had joined in. I knew I wouldn't survive if I didn't do anything so a slashed Mikhail across the chest without my stake. It wasn't enough to kill him but he fell back in agony. I turned around to face my new attacker. It was Ms Karp and she was tough. She had two years of being a Strigoi on her and was well equipped when it came to using her strength. We fought both trying to get the better of one another. One huge hit was all it took and I staggered back onto the floor. This was it, I knew I didn't have a chance because Mikhail was now getting up to help Ms Karp finish me off. I took a deep breath in defeat ready to endure a painful death only it didn't come. I looked up and Ms Karp was on fire. Christian had come up to find out what was going on because he heard grunting and yelps of pain. I took my chance and staked Ms Karp. I felt a little bit guilty because she had one helped me and Liss but right now it was either her life or mine. Just as I was about to turn around I heard Christian yell my name. "Rose!" I couldn't have turned any quicker. It was too late. Mikhail was on my back. I could feel his breath near my neck. Christian couldn't set him alight without setting me on fire too. I heard a scream with so much pain and agony in it that it made me jump. That was when I realised the scream was coming from me. Mikhail had ripped the skin off my jaw with his teeth. I could feel the blood gushing out. I had never felt such physical pain in my entire life. I could see it in Christian's eyes. The power he was calling upon was so strong but he didn't have to use it. I moved my body and twisted the stake so it would go into the other direction under my arm. I stabbed it straight through the bastard's heart without hesitation or regret. It was then his short scream of pain which I heard as he fell to the ground. I fell to the ground with him. I was in so much pain; I didn't think I could go on. I scrabbled myself from a lying position onto my knees and Christian helped me up the rest of the way. I was starting to feel dizzy and physically sick but I had to keep on going for the sake of Dimitri and Lissa. Mum started to come around then but I could tell she was still out of it. I held myself together and ordered Christian to help her up. We walked through the mansion scanning all of the other rooms until will got to the one with Royah in it. She was sat in an empty room tied to a chair looking tired and scared and a bad mess. I went straight to her and untied her with the knife I grabbed out of my bag. She ran straight to Christian knowing who he was and fell into his arms crying. "Take her and Mum back to the house." He nodded at me.

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