2 - Bular and a Sighting

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After Jim's amazing performance, he left the school and the sun was going down quickly. He was riding his cycling around the city with his best friend: Toby - or Tobes.

"Dude! That was amazing! You were amazing! I'm amazed at how amazing you were" Toby compliments Jim loudly as he cycles beside him. Jim laughed at his compliments and the repeated words he used in each sentence.

"And did you see how the chiquita was looking at you~?" Toby teased, "your armor totally did you a favor!" Toby exclaims happily.

"I'm still getting the hang of it," Jim says as the boys go through a construction area as the sun went down more.

"The multi-eyed dude said it reacts to emotional. The armor turns on when you're in distress," Toby pointed out. That brought back the memories about what happened at school before his armor appeared when he just remembered that he had a fight with Steve Palchuk to get his butt whooped and saw his friends.

When they turned to an empty corner, a dark creature roared loudly and smashed the ground causing a few pieces of rubble spread out.

"But I am now!" Jim says, his eyes widen as he sees Bular for the first time. Standing in front of him in the flesh - or in stone. His eyes were the colors of red and yellow resembled a raging bonfire.

"Trollhunter! Merlin's Creation, Gunmar's Bane," Bular calls out, angrily.

Toby slowly goes closer to Jim's side and inhales, "I think he's talking to you,"

Bular roars and walks side to side, not moving forward toward them. He smashes the ground and roars loudly like a dragon. He walks forward on his hands and legs like an animal, once he gets near the sunlight his hand peaks out into the ray of sunlight, it caused him to get burned.

"Look, he's afraid of the sun!" Jim points out.

"Not for long!" both of the boys look at the sun, it was setting rather quickly for a normal sunset.

"The Amulet! Surrender it and I will give you a speedy death!"

"Doesn't know how to negotiate, this guy!" Toby and Jim immediately left the scene, the sun was gone from the sky, the pastel sky turned into a dark purple, like Midnight. Bular roars loudly and starts to chase after them around downtown, he tried swinging around his stone claws.

"Go, go, go!" Once Jim and Toby went around the corner with Bular on their tails. Once Bular caught up around the corner, he couldn't find the Trollhunter and his friend.

He snarls and lifts up the truck and launches it away, causing a large crash of flames and wreckage.

Bular, however, was determined to find the Trollhunter and kill him as he did with the other former Trollhunters before Jim. He lifts up a large truck to check beneath it but Jim wasn't there.

"Armor up, armor up, armor up, please, now!" Toby begs as he looked over the truck. He noticed Bular was coming closer toward them, "faster!" Toby says urgently, fearing he was going to get killed by Bular.

"Okay," Jim brings out his amulet and speaks directly at it, "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!"

"It's not working!" Bular gets to the truck they were at, but once Bular looks over in the front of the truck he found nothing. But, what he didn't know that Jim and Toby were hiding behind the same truck but was beside it. Jim was trying to say the incantation that was written on the amulet.

"For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command! Seriously, I'm commanding here!" Jim yelled at it in a panicky tone. The sound of the truck from behind them rumbled loudly as it was being picked up from the ground. It revealed Bular and his raging red eyes.

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