chapter 1

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Tarra sighed as she carries in a box and looks at the shrine "Today is the day I guess." she said smiling. "Well well well if it isn't my granddaughter heh heh!" the voice shouted. Tarra looks and sees her grandpa walking towards her sits the box down and hugs her Grandpa. "It's nice to see you, grandpa," she said. Tarra was happy to see her grandpa it been a long time since she last saw him. 

After sharing a hug with her grandpa, grandpa walked into the shrine "Come come let me show you where you're staying." he said beckoning Tarra to follow. Tarra grabs the box and follows her grandpa to her room. Tarra enters a room it looked pretty small but she didn't mind. She looks around and sits the box on her bed. "Alright ill let you unpack your stuff ill holler for you when dinner is ready," he said closing the door behind him. 

Tarra grabbed the box and opened it. She grabs some of the clothes inside the box and heads to the closet. She opens the closet door and hangs her clothes up. Suddenly something caught Tarra's eye. She sees an old gown it looked like that gown was her size. Tarra decides to ignore it, she puts the rest of her clothes in the closet.

After setting up her room Tarra decides to go outside and walk around the woods. Tarra walks around enjoying the nature around her. Tarra continued walking. Suddenly Tarra hears strange noises in her head. Tarra shook her head to see if she was just hearing things. The voices didn't stop instead they got louder and louder. Tarra turns around and sprints as fast as she can back to the temple. Tarra arrives at the entrance of the temple. The strange noises stop after that. Tarra sighed in relief "Thank goodness there gone." She said. "Tarra dinner is ready!" Grandpa yelled. "Coming grandpa" Tarra replied. Tarra ran straight inside and sits down for dinner.

Tarra was excited she was hungry after moving and the strange voices. Maybe she can ask her grandpa he might know what's going on.

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