Chapter 8

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Tarra walks over to the blue light and examines it curiously. "A blue...light?"
Tarra was confused. What is a blue light doing here and what is it's purpose?

A few moments later another blue light appeared a few feet beside Tarra. Soon after that more started appear making a small path for her to follow. Tarra gazed at the lights as they formed the path. She felt like she should follow it but at the same time, she shouldn't.

After what experiences she faced and why are they happening to her. She needed to find a way out, escaping and find the shrine where it might be safe or going back to where Zen is.

Tarra decided to go and find an exit.
She started to follow the blue lights, looking at them as they continued to light up a path for her.
She continued down the path till she heard something, It sounded like a flute.

"What is that sound?"
Tarra looks around, a purple hue cloud surrounded her by her legs. The blue lights disappeared making everything dark again. Tarra's looked at the hue and shakes her head. "No!"
She thinks in her head (no it's not there, it's not there Tarra.)

Tarra closes her eyes and rubs her eyes. She re-opened her eyes and the purple hue cloud was gone and the flute music stopped. Tarra looked around feeling a small shiver down her spine. It could've been her imagination but it seemed...real.
She decided to ignore it.

Now without the blue lights, it was hard to see anything. Tarra pulls her hands out and around feeling the stuff around her. She did this for a while now, it was strange but it felt like it's supposed to be day time but the sky was still dark, it looked like it could be midnight possibly.

After a while Tarra stopped and rests her head letting out a small sigh "I give up, there's no way out of here unless those blue lights come back."

A soft chuckle was heard around Tarra echoing in a sort-of creepy tone.
She turns around and looked at where it was coming from "Who's there!" She shouted exposing some of her fear.

A tall male figure jumped out of a nearby tree and gazed at Tarra with his devilish-red eyes. It was still dark so Tarra couldn't get a glimpse of what his appearance was. Tarra spoke out to him "Who are you?"

The male with lilac hair with a shade of a dark purple at the tips of his hair started to walk towards her slowly. He narrowed his eyes down at her "Me? Well, my little jape I am here to wisp you away with me."

Tarra went silent and stepped back slowly "And if I refuse?"
The guy continued to walk towards her "Well, I will just have to take you by force, it's not my way of treating a lady but it's an order by the Lord to take you to his mansion."
Tarra's eyes widened after hearing what the guy said to her "Wait for what?!"

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