Chapter 7

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Tarra walked up to the house and knocked on the door a few times. "Hello, anyone home?" she asked. There was no answer. Tarra tried to look through the windows but they were too grungy to see anything. "No one's home. Well, I should maybe head back," she turned around and walked away.

Tarra enters the forest thinking of what Zen might say to her when she comes back, maybe more attempts at trying to make her remember herself as Minami, even though she isn't Minami. Tarra stops and thinks for a moment "Where is that strange path at again?" she said looking around.

A sudden howl echoed nearby, Tarra shivered a tiny bit after hearing it "Oh no! That doesn't sound good." the howl grew louder. Tarra started to walk faster hoping she wasn't being chased. Something appeared in the distance. What could it be?

Tarra felt something strange. She stopped moving. She turned around and looks at the area around her. Mysterious poppy-red eyes stared at her without blinking. Tarra stepped back getting a small shiver down her spine. Whatever it was it didn't look friendly. She took a few steps back slowly, waiting till the strange eyes made a move. The eyes went narrow and said something in a weird language. Suddenly another pair of eyes appear next to it this time, the eyes were different, they had a different color than the other one. The eyes were a light-jade color. It started to stare at her to till they speak to each other in weird words. After that, the eyes lock onto Tarra and started to walk towards her slowly.

Tarra was frozen in fear she knew she had to persevere or she might end up dead. She shakes her head and starts to run away from the eyes. As Tarra started to run she had to think. She could go back to the house where Zen is but where could it be?
Tarra had no choice but to find a small place to hide in and stay there till it's safe to come out.

After running for a while, Tarra started to lose her energy. Tarra stops and sits down catching her breath for a minute and looks around "No sign...of those eyes..." she sighed in relief "Thank god..." even if it was safe it was quiet. no bugs were flying around humming with the sound of their wings, not even a cricket is playing a tune either. Tarra looked around curiously. The road seems to be familiar like she was back to where she was before, "Where am I now," she asked.

Tarra yawns and looks up at the sky. The sky was pitched black, no stars, only the moon. It was a peculiar moon but it was very pretty. In the distance, a small blue light appeared by the trees down a path. What could it be and what is it trying to do? 

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