Chapter 10

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It was dark and quiet. Tarra opened her eyes, seeing a small dimed light on the far side of her. She heard sizzles and pop noises from the other side of the room where a fireplace stood. A red scarlet flame was dancing, burning the wood as it burned it with its flames.

She noticed that she was in a small room under the sheets of a soft, comfy bed, like if she was back home again. But she felt something... odd for some unusual reason. It was her left arm that felt warmer than the rest of her.

Tarra glanced over at her left arm and saw a shade of purple under a few of the covers. She lifted it slowly revealing someone familiar to her. Rairakku. Tarra jumped out of the bed and kicked Rairakku off the bed "Pervert!" Rairakku opened his eyes and let out a tiny yawn ''What do you mean? I was keeping you company while you were out. I just couldn't leave a beautiful woman like you to be alone while you were sleeping."

Tarra looked away from him and started to think about what happened and what diabolical things Rairakku could've done to her while she was asleep. She shook her head and decided to think about it later. "Wait, where am I exactly? This isn't Zen's place at all."
Rairakku smiled and got up off the floor. "I brought you to where you belong, well, by the lord's wishes to do so."

Tarra went silent and closed her eyes. ''Okay, let me get this straight. You kidnapped me, but what for? What was the reason why I am here?" Rairakku gazed into Tarra's eyes and smiled "All of those answers will be answered soon. I know you have been eager to ask those questions and the others you might have but it will have to wait." Tarra nods in reply and looked into the fireplace then gazed at the scarlet flame wondering what fate could walk upon her. She felt worried but the flame helped soothe her. It made her remember the happy days when she was a little girl reading stories with her grandmother by the fire when it was winter and everything was topped with the cold white snow.

As the memory faded away from her mind she smiled and shed a couple of tears. Rairakku walked over to Tarra and wiped her tears away "Are you alright Tarra?" he asked her concerned, he doesn't like it when women cry in front of him.
Tarra nods. "Just thinking of some happy memories from the past." Rairakku walked over to her "I see... That's good but..." He tucked some of Tarra's hair out of her face and leaned closer to her, gently laying his hand by her hair that he tucked away from her face. Tarra looked at him nervously. She couldn't find the words to tell him to stop. She stood there frozen not knowing what to say or do.

A few knocks were heard from the door. "Excuse me?" the voice sounded a small high-pitched voice but also sounded a tiny bit quiet "May I come in Rairakku? Is the Mistress awake and ready?" said the Female Voice. Tarra stood there confused by why they are calling her mistress. Rairakku let go of Tarra and pulled his head back away from her face "Yes, come in Keiko." The girl walked in and bowed to both of them "My Lord wants to seek an audience with the mistress," she said looking at Tarra with a grin "So once you are ready I can escort you to him."

Tarra nods "I'm ready as I'll ever be," she replied. "Great! If you will please follow me to the throne room." The girl walked out of the room starting to head toward the throne room. Tarra nods once more and follows her from behind. "Till we meet again, mistress~!" Rairakku bowed to her chuckling. Tarra let out a soft sigh and thought to herself about who this Lord is and what questions he will answer. She might even find an answer for her to go home and live a normal life again.

In the distance, a big arched door with wooden carvings was sketched into it. The door opened and The girl, Keiko lead Tarra inside. There was a big chair was in the middle along with a guard holding a spear in his hand, Along with a dark red-velvet curtain covering some of the small space creating a large shadow so it was hard to see this Lord person. (Why does this remind me of what a setting in an RPG game?) she thought. She shook her head reluctantly and looked up at the dark shadowy curtain getting ready to seek her answers out.

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