Chapter 5

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Tarra woke up in a strange bed. The bed was red and it had a strange flower in the middle. "Where am I now?" The door slowly creaked open, Tarra starts to get anxious about what is going to happen next? A strange fox appears from the door, his fur looked like the white snow in winter, it was really beautiful. The fox walks forward and observers Tarra looking at her, sniffing her sent as if he was looking for something "Minami?" The fox answered. Tarra jumps up and gasps "d-did that fox j-j-just t-talk!?" She stuttered. The fox gives Tarra a disappointing face "Minami don't you remember me?" The fox said. "I don't know who the hell are you!" Tarra yelled. The fox frowned and looks down "it's me Zen, remember?"

Tarra examines the fox curiously "Uh Zen well um sorry but you must be thinking of someone else" she said nervously. Zen looks at Tarra and glares at her then he pops out of his fox form transforming him back to his original form. It showed something truly amazing that you couldn't even say a peep about. This form of his could drive the ladies insane if they saw this form of his. Tarra couldn't keep her eyes off zen he was just...captivating, head to toe. "what are you staring at Minami?" Zen asked curiously. Tarra shook her head "it's nothing-wait what?!"
Zen tilts his head "why are you talking about Minami?"
"My name is Tarra, sorry but you must be mistaken me for someone else," she said rubbing the back of her head.  Zen's eyes narrow in disbelief and examine her "hm I see..." he said. Tarra sighs in relief and smiles. Suddenly Zen points one of his fingers at Tarra and yells "Minami you loss your memory didn't you!" he leans closer to Tarra and stares into her sapphire eyes "I promise you, Minami, I will restore your memory even if it kills me!" Zen walks out then closes the door.

Later on, Tarra was in her room laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She kept thinking, how did I get here. A couple of soft quiet knocking noises were from the door "hey Minami can I come in?" Zen asks "I have something for you."
Tarra sighs "come in," she said. Zen walked in with a strange box. The box looked strange but not like the weird strange, it was more of a curious strange. As Zen opened the top of the box, It was a hairpin with a sakura flower decorated on the top with a few tiny red jewels in the center "Do you know what this is Minami?" he asked. Tarra looks at Zen "A hairpin of course but why?" Zen sighs and places the hairpin gently back into the box. "Minami...what has happened to you." Tarra takes in a deep breath and exhales "Zen I already told you" she opens her eyes and looks up at him "My name is Tarra, whoever this 'Minami' is I am not her." Zen tilts his head down along with his fluffy ears "you have to be her, she promised me..." Tarra tilts her head "promised you what?" Zen looks up at Tarra and stares into her eyes "That she would come back and visit me, like she did when we first met, many years ago, I think a few centuries to be exact."  

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