Chapter 13 Part 1

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Tarra sighed as she finished. The lord sat across from her. He got up then walked over to Tarra "Thank you, if you would go outside? A soldier will be waiting for you." Tarra raised a brow and stared at the door then back at the lord "Don't tell me I'm going back to the cell."
"Really? then where am I going?"
"You are going to be up in a room, not the cell." Tarra thanked the lord. Soon after, a soldier escorted Tarra to the room where she will stay in from now on. The soldier opened the door before she walked in. A few moments later they closed the door, leaving it very quiet after that.

Tarra examined the room until finally something came to her mind. The lord. It was very strange though. Why was the lord convinced by a simple story? It was just a SIMPLE story after all. She began to ponder about it as she walked over to a window and began to stare into her reflection on the clear, glass window. "God knows what other things that could have convinced him but why that story? It's a sad story yes but... what does it mean? Could it be...? Is it involving why I am in this strange place or world or whatever I am and the other things that happened as well? I need answers. I need to know as soon as possible so I can go home and live in a normal life again."

She closed her eyes as she started to have flashbacks of her childhood. She remembered when she was at a party at a very young age, the small talk, the food, but most of all what she really loved was seeing her grandma and sitting with her along with enjoying some hot chocolate as she told stories by the fireplace. Static emerged as it started to fade from her her mind. She fazed back into reality and heard tapping coming from the window, first she saw a finger then saw him. The flirty and coquettish person himself, Rairakku. He waved at her grinning softly before he opened the window "Hello Tarra. I have returned, just like I promised."

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