Chapter 2

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Tarra sat at the table sitting in front of the food and her Grandpa. They both clapped their hands together and prayed. It went silent, Tarra stared at her food she looked like a little girls doll you would see on a type of chair staring at nothing. "Tarra are you okay you haven't touched your food," he said worriedly. "Oh no I'm fine its just...i have been hearing things and they were very strange to do you know what it is?" Tarra asked. Grandpa went silent and thought for a moment "What did they sound like?" he asked.

"Voices like creepy voices that sounded like they were...talking but also to me" Tarra tightened her grip as she said that. "I see maybe there might be people around here that might appear but don't worry it also might be nothing you did just move here, you still need to get used to it," Grandpa said sipping his tea. Tarra got up and stretched "I'm going to bed I am a little bit tired after all that moving" Tarra pushed her chair in and went to her room. Grandpa went silent, he sipped his tea again and walked outside. 

Tarra stumbled onto her bed and looked towards the closet door. "Why do I have a feeling that dress is giving a weird vibe to me?" she asked herself. She gets up and walks up to the closet, she slides the door open and stares at it. "It does look like a beautiful dress it also looks like it would fit me but it feels enchanting and I feel like I want to put it on for some reason," she said. Tarra decides to grab it and try it on she doesn't know why she wants to do it but I guess she thought it was luring her to it by its beauty. She gets undressed and puts the dress on. She looked in the mirror and looked at herself. "Wow it fits well maybe ill wear this on special occasions" she suggested to herself. Tarra walks out into the hall and went outside to the garden, in the distance she saw her Grandpa sitting there with his cane looking at the pond. Tarra walks over to her him "Hey Grandpa I found this dress and I was wondering what this dress was in my closet and maybe the history about this dress" she asked him. Grandpa stayed silent and he was still for some weird reason. "Grandpa is everything okay?" she asked. grandpa was silent again now Tarra was getting worried "Grandpa can you hear me? Grandpa?" Tarra said nudging him. He was still silent it then he turned around but this time his face looked different for some reason. Tarra was intimidated by that. "Grandpa are you okay?" she asked, Grandpa smiled strangely but she ignored it. "Of course if fine my dear I am fine," she said looking at her making that strange smile at her again. Tarra was now really nervous about grandpa, "Okay then? I guess ill...just go" she said nervously.

Tarra ran into her room and shuts the door behind her. "Why is Grandpa acting so strange all of a sudden?" Tarra thought for a minute but she still didn't know what is wrong with Grandpa. Suddenly it hit her, his teeth. His teeth were different? why do they look different they look but why? Tarra hoped into her bed and laid down. Her mind was tied to that question about Grandpa's teeth, she could have just been hallucinating or just been hearing things just like grandpa said but could it be true? is what I heard and saw today was actually real?

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