Chapter 12 Part 1

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Tarra waited quietly for what the lord's request for her. "So, what is it?" she asked.

"I am going to let you out of here but it's only for a specific reason." Tarra tilted her head, lifting her eyebrows slightly "Okay?" 

The Lord nodded and looked at the small girl holding the key's "You can open her cell now. After that I'll escort her to the questioning room." The girl walks up to the cell then fidgeted with the key's to find the right key for the cell.

She soon finds it then unlocks the door, the door began squeak as the door opened. The girl stepped out of the way, making Tarra have a chance to walk out.

Tarra walked out slowly looking around the outside of the cell. The Lord suddenly takes her wrist, grasping it tightly then he takes her away from the cell to the interrogation room. "Wait! Why are you taking me to this 'interrogation room' of yours? I don't think I can answer all of your questions and-" "Just be quiet." He interrupted.

Tarra grumbled softly under her breath. She wished she could just escape but with her life on the line, she had to be quiet and obey his orders for now. From that she could tell that the lord will be pretty stubborn to her, even through the interrogation.

They finally reached the room where Tarra will be questioned. Two chairs were facing each other under a small, dimmed lantern on the ceiling. The lord lets go of Tarra's wrist and shifts over to a chair facing Tarra "Take a seat," he ordered.

Tarra sat down in the other chair and closed her eyes. She felt unsteady, something bad could happen if she upsets the lord even further. She shook her head then gazed up at the lord "What is it that you want? I don't know why you lead me in here." The lord folded his arms to his chest and sighed "You're more naive than I first thought but..." Slam! The lord pressed his left hand onto the table, forcefully.

Tarra flinched and saw his eyes narrowed down at hers.
"There is a few things I need to know first before I get a conclusion,"
"And that is?"
"The jewels."
"The jewels? What do you mean by 'jewels." 
   The lord sighed and leaned his body back into his chair "Have you heard of the story of The Maiden and the two Yokai?" Tarra nodded and smiled "Of course! My Grandmother always read me that story at a young age." A small smirk appeared upon the lord's face "Oh really? how does the story go?" he asked. Tarra smirked at him "What about you? If you already know the story than why ask me?" The lord turned and looked away from Tarra, crossing his arms against his chest. A shade of light red was exposed on his cheeks, "Nothing. Anyways I was going to give you a second chance." Tarra's eyes widened with the lord's sudden change of heart "A second chance?"   

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