Chapter 4

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Tarra's eyes widened as she falls into the well looking up at Grandpa. "Have a nice trip" he said waving farewell to her. Tarra screamed and fell into the darkness of the well.

Tarra opens her eyes instantly then sits up. Tarra looks around the room and finds herself back in her room. Tarra sighed in relief "It looks like it was only a dream" she said. Tarra gets up and walks out of her room. Suddenly the door closes Tarra's eyes widen there wasn't anything after that, it began to darken all around her and her surroundings. The whispers began to return to Tarra's head once again. What was going on is this some type of nightmare?

Tarra closed her eyes and shakes her head. "I can't do this why is this happening to me" Tarra whimpered not knowing what to do. All of a sudden a sound of a tiny bell rang near Tarra. Tarra stopped whimpering, looked up and opened her eyes. "W-who's there?" She stuttered. Suddenly a light appears right in front of Tarra it was hard to see what it was but it looked like a person. "I am someone who will rescue you" the person echoed. "Here let me help you up," they said. Tarra reaches her hand out to the person and grabs his hand. Tarra wondered who they were, why are they here and why is she here. The person walks Tarra to a bright light "we are here now, go through there" he said pointing at the bright door. Tarra gazed disquieting look at the person, with nothing else to do she had to trust it. Tarra closes her eyes and walks through the bright door then disappeared. The person chuckles and the light grom they fade away showing their true self. "Heh its almost time," they said as they walk inside the bright door.

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