Chapter 6

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Tarra looked at Zen as if he was crazy "that many years ago!" She yelled. "I wasn't even born around that time, I'm only eighteen."
Zen sighed "You really must've lost your memory big time."
"I think something is wrong with you." She muttered.
"What? Something wrong with me?" Zen laughs "Oh Minami, you are the one that is crazy, you lose your memory after all." Tarra sighed and walks to the doorway "I'll be going on a walk, I won't be back for a while so don't worry about me."

Tarra walks outside into the dark forest trying to cool off her steam but something also was on her mind, that person Zen was talking about 'Minami'  it echoed through her mind over and over. After hearing Zen's bazaar nonsense about mistaken Tarra being Minami she decides to look for answers. The first thing that comes to mind is the temple, the temple might have answers. Tarra could have had help from Grandpa but, should she trust him after what happened?

Tarra decides to go on her own. It was dark, She looks around for something that can lead her to the shrine like a trail of light.
Suddenly, a beautiful blue appeared by Tarra flying around her. Tarra raised a brow and looked at the butterfly, it was really beautiful. Its wings shined like a diamond and exposed a bright glow like the moon on a dark cold night. It was truly amazing.
The strange butterfly starts to fly away down a dark strange path. Tarra couldn't help but follow it. In her mind, it sounds like it's wanting to show her something. As the butterfly strayed down the path its glow starts to dim, Tarra followed from behind seeing where it was going. 

As Tarra followed the butterfly down the path, a light appeared in the distance "there must be a building over there." Tarra runs toward the light, the fog started to clear as she got closer. After the fog faded away Tarra sees a small house "A house?"
Tarra was confused, why did the butterfly lead her to this house.

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