Night Without Question

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Draco was honesty getting tired of waking up with an aching headache, along with his mind full of questions. The main question being how he was back in Grimmauld Place, in the bed he had woken up the first time he had been unconscious.

He got out of the bed, realizing he was in Harry's jumper as he stood in front of a long body mirror. The red material looked slightly big on him, to his surprise. He was taller than Harry, yes, but Harry was much more built than Draco was. His arms had more muscle and his upper body wasn't slim and lithe like Draco's.

The scent of Harry was strong, and Draco couldn't help but feel flustered as he took in the scent of broom polishing oil, a strong scented tea, and just the unique smell that each person had, Harry's smell too good for his liking's.

His thoughts on Harry had gotten too hectic too soon. Like an overpowering wave of salty water washing over you completely, and leaving you with no space of air to even think about what just happened. Yes, he was drowning, and drowning fast.

Despite the 'Potter Predicament', Draco noticed he didn't look so spot on at the moment. His pale skin, dare he think it, was paler than usual. His cheeks just a bit sunken, and under his currently dull eyes were dark circles.

His stomach growled and as he made his way to the door, and felt his body heavily object. Aching and weak at every stop, muscles tight and unused. Merlin, what happened?

After struggling downstairs (telling Kreacher he was fine and did not any assistance, thank you), he was met with the bright face of Harry drinking tea, looking at the Daily Prophet in his hands. There was breakfast being cooked in front of him, where Kreacher was at now.

It almost felt normal. To wake up and see Harry in the morning with his tea and paper. Only, no, this wasn't normal, and he wanted some bloody answers before he spilled that tea down Harry's trousers. So that's what he did. Draco demanded answers.


"I've been unconscious for hours, and you didn't even think about getting anyone?"

Harry looked away, his hand nervously on his neck."I did get someone, I got Hermione."

"Granger may be the only one here who appears to have sense, but she's not the person to decide every step we take in my issue Potter!" His arms were crossed, and pale pink lips pursed tightly.

Harry walked closer towards him."Draco, if I felt you needed more care, then I would have taken you to someone or done things differently,"he sighed,"but that's not the case, and it isn't quite that simple. The important thing is that you're alive, and that we could be getting closer to finding of a way to help you."

"You could be?"

Harry nodded, sitting down at the kitchen table."Like I said, Hermione has been helping out a lot. Ron even volunteered to get things if needed."

"How...nice." Draco took a seat in front of Harry, and almost immediately Kreacher served him breakfast with a steaming cup of tea. He would've asked Harry if he'd already eaten, but as Draco was currently starving decided against it.

"Okay, look, Malfoy,"Harry ruffled his hair, then faced Draco just as he bit into a sausage,"Draco, I have no idea what I'm doing."

Draco rolled his eyes, patting his lips with a napkin."There's a surprise."

"But,"Harry continued,"let it not be said that I'm not going to help you. You're my responsibility-,"

Draco immediately shot him a freezing, bold look,"'Responsibility'? I'll have you know Potter, I am no ones child to babysit,"his voice was rising, he knew it, but he couldn't help it,"I can take care of myself perfectly fine, and as far as my memory goes, it tells me I've done some pretty nasty things in my lifetime that every boy shouldn't have to go through. I'm quite sure that you as any should know how that feels like!"

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