The Dark Mark

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"You and your traitorous family will pay for defying The Dark Lord."

A voice shrieked with laughter next to him, looking at their unfortunate 'host' with malicious eyes."Ever been to Azkaban Missy? No? Oh it's terrible, it really is. Which is why we'll be throwing you in there,"she brandished a stolen wand, toying with it in her cold hands,"but first we need to get rid of your little boy first. So you'll rot, knowing it was all your fault."

"You'll rot like we did, knowing no one will care about you, and that everyone in the Wizarding World despises your guts. This is the price you pay betraying everyone and The Dark Lord. You'll pay with your measly freedom, and your pathetic son will pay with his life."

"Hope you said good bye."



Living with Harry was the best thing. Granted, Draco already had been living with The Prat Who Lived, but now that he knew he was staying, it felt more real and true. It was like his sorrow was finally healing, slowly, but it was healing.

It was all just a blur of waking up to emeralds and inky curls first thing he stepped out of his room. No, they didn't sleep together, but every now and then they did. Strangely, every time they did, their nightmares ceased and mellowed, like having someone there calmed them and their minds completely.

Today it was one of those days, and they were in Harry's room. He was usually the first one to wake and nudge Harry awake too. He stopped taking those long trips to the bathroom first thing, mainly because Harry told him he liked his messy bed head, and his 'cute' morning expressions.

Draco yawned, sitting up on his side of the bed. Harry's shirtless body was sprawled next to him, hair messier than ever and lips slightly open as he breathed peacefully, his skin seemingly glowing as the rays of the sun shone through the window.

Merlin, he would never get tired of seeing the young man next to him.

"Enjoying the view?" Harry murmured, eyes still closed, but yawning as he sat up.

Draco scoffed."Hardly."

Harry finally opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them as he looked at Draco. He smirked lopsidedly, knowing it caused the Slytherin's cold heart to melt."Right. So you mind if I do this then?" He leaned over and planted a warm kiss on his cheek, then hopped off the bed, stretching.

Draco rolled his eyes, but he was definitely trying to bite down a smile."You're a prat."

"Git,"Harry replied, putting on his glasses. 



"Scar head."

"Ferret boy."

Draco crossed his arms."Whatever Golden Annoyance, I'm hungry. Tell Kreacher I'd prefer Crepes this morning,"Harry gave him a look, and he hastily added,"Please."

Harry smiled softly, but didn't go downstairs."Actually I told Kreacher to skip the breakfast today."

"What why?"

"Well, I decided we could have breakfast at the cafe. I was thinking about cooking myself for a change I'm not that bad a cook honestly, but we haven't gone there in quite a while, and the last time it seemed we were going to visit, you got attacked again,"his jaw tightened, then loosened as he looked Draco up and down,"so get dressed."


"You're sure about this?"Draco asked, eyeing the terrible alley way where trouble always ended up happening. 

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