Chapter 15

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I started driving home. I pulled out my camera and vlogging.

“Hey guys, we are back in Pocatello from Logan and we’re are so glad to be back. We’re on out way home form the airport and we were talking about getting a dog. I mean we’ve got a 50 acres of land and we’ve got no pets to play with. So Becky is looking on the internet on her phone for great active dogs and see what happens” I said.

“I still think we should get a big dog” Becky told me.

“You just got to remember that dogs do grow faster then babies” I told her.

“I know, but we can get Shay’s help with training” Becky told me.

“Becky here has never raised a small dogs, she’s never had a small dog. She’s always been around big dogs, even though she got bitten by a big dog she still loves them. I’ve always love the medium to large sized dogs. The only time I love small dogs is when they’re puppies” I said.

“So basically he’s like me when it comes to dogs” Becky said.

“What breeds are you looking at?” I asked her.

“Well I’m looking in the local area, if I can’t find one, I’ll look in like California or somewhere closer” Becky told me.

“Oh my god. I found purebred Border Collie puppies for $150. Babe can we get two please?” Becky asked me.

“How many are there?” I asked her.

“1 female and 4 males. Can we please get the female and one of the males?” Becky asked me.

“I don’t know, having 2 dogs is a big responsibility and we have Amelia” I told her.

“Babe, please our backyard is bigger than Casey and Shay’s backyards combined. Plus Bronx, Zeke, Molly, Cobi and Jackson can come over and they can have bonding time” She told me.

“Fine we can get two Border Collies” I sighed. I hope I don’t regret this, but what can I say our family is a dog family.

“Thank you so much” Becky squealed and called the person.


“Hello?” I heard a voice.

“Hi, I’m calling about the puppies” I told the person.

“Wow that was fast, I’m only put it up not long ago” The lady told me.

“I convinced my boyfriend that we should get two of them” I told her.

“Alright, do you know what ones you want?” The lady asked me.

“The female and the male with the white going from it’s forehead down it’s nose and the bottom part of the bottom” I told her.

“Aww good choice. Quick question, do you have any kids?” She asked me.

“We have a 6 month baby” I told her.

“Okay, they’re really good with small kids and babies. I can bring them down for you” She told me

“If your willing to drive nearly 40 minutes to get to Pocatello, I mean I’ll drive up there to get them” I told her.

“It’s fine. I want to see the backyard for them to run around in” She told me.

“Oh alright if you insist, I just have one question. Are they alright with bigger dogs around?” I asked her.

“How big?” She asked me.

“1 year old Great Dane big” I told her.

“Na, they’ll be fine” She told me. I told her our address and hung up. Logan pulled up to the house.

Idaho Girl *Logan McKay Love Story* *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now