CHAPTER 1 ~ First day of college

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⚠!Trigger warning!⚠


It was a brand new day, a brand new year and brand new... Boring life... I had just come from Virginia to here so it was technically different.

I walk in and saw a group of kids talking in front of a pillar. I got my dorm keys and left to get food.

A random kid smacked on my table and yelled, "Hey!!".Wait a sec... Do I know this voice? It sounds like...

I looked up to see an old friend. His name was Thomas Jefferson and we havent seen each other for a long time. Its because his mother had to work here or something.

"THOMAS??!" I said in shock. He nodded and said "yeah! Its great to see you again, James". He sat next to me and started talking. Well, until we got up and left to our dorms. QD927. Thomas's was QC415. Thats pretty far but as long as my dormmate is cool.. Right?? Yeah...

I got in and saw an empty room. The bed was dirty, the curtains couldnt move, wtf is that on the ceiling???? I just ignored it all though and just unpack my things. I stayed there for a couple hours until my dormmate finally came. I didnt know who it was but she told me her name was Margarita Schuyler. She got the left side. I asked her if she could give me her phone number to make sure none of us like... Loses our key or anything.

She seemed cool. She said that her friends call her Peggy (for some reason) and that she had 2 older sisters. I was guessing they were twins but when I asked her, she burst out laughing. They were just 1 year older than the other. Their names were Angelica and Elizabeth who her friends call her 'Eliza'.

Aarons POV:-

Another year of suffering. Well at least im ALMOST done with school anyways...

I walk in and see someone new to this school. It looked like he was walking to his dorm with... Thomas Jefferson. He was pretty mean to me a couple years back. Well... Until he apolagized and asked if we could be friends or something like that.

Anyways, I took my dorm keys and ran for my dorm. QD292. Well... I hope its no one who HATES me...

I sigh and tried not to be seen by Alexander and the rest of the rev set. Thomas has his own group called the macaroni brothers. Though, hes alone in it. I never tried asking to be in cuz I thought he would laugh at me. We never talk much but were cool. But he and Alexander ALWAYS argue about little things like... Which is the best colour or.. Which is the best brand name.

I got in my dorm and see..... Lafayette... Noooooooo...

Hes the strong puncher in the rev set and it scares me to death because hes always the final one to punch me and it hurts.

I come in and put my bags down on my bed. Lafayette was just sitting there staring at me. I look at him and now he was staring down. He looked like he felt hurt or.. Guilty..

I just ignore it and unpack my stuff and put them in place. A couple minutes passed and he still hasnt said a thing so I said,



I got bored and decided to go out on a walk. Maybe have lunch or something like that. BURRitos would be good. Or maybe just a sandwich. Before I got out....

"Mon ami, wait..." he said. I turn to my back and asked, "uh... Yeah?" "Im sorry for the past few years... Ive been a bad person to you and I hope you can forgive me..." I was shocked to hear that. I replied with a "Je vous pardonne, Laf". He smiled and I continued to head out.

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