Off To Australia - Chapter 12

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Reyrey's POV:-

I wake up feeling dizzy and tired mostly. I feel like im forgetting soemthing..... Oh! I have to pick up Sam and get to the Airport before the aeroplane takes off!

Shoot shoot shoot.

I have no time for this!

I hop, undressed. Trying to put on jeans while eating breakfast as fast as I can.

I heard a buzz coming from my phone. In panic thinking it was Damian, I quickly opened the messages. It was from Damian, yes, he said,

CrushhΣ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ : Hey, Reyrey. You awake? Im on my way to the fountain. You can pick me up there, k?

FriggityFrackReynoldsÒwÓ :
Yeah, Im up. And, yeah, sure. Ill be there in 10 minutes. Maybe more cause my building is a bit far from the fountain.

CrushhΣ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ : Ok. I can wait. See you soon, Rey.

FriggityFrackReynoldsÒwÓ : Yeah, you too

Ok... I have to be quick.

25 minutes later...

I run quickly to the fountain, bringing a bag behind me and a luggage case. I look left and right as I ran, trying to find Damian. I wouldnt really expect anyone awake or anywhere still here. I would thing theyd be either drunk at a bar or even shopping and wasting all their money on useless stuff but im surprised to see people around the fountain talking under the trees and stuff. Most of them looked at me with a confused look cause I was bringing stuff that looks like im moving houses or something. I dunno.

Anyways, I see Damian sitting on a bench near a tree, reading a book called Renegades (anyone know this book??). The cover seemed interesting.

I go up to him and said,

"Im here.." while panting and trying to breathe for air.

"Reyrey, you look tired. Are you okay??"

I breathe more heavily saying,

"Yeah, yeah... Im... *exhales heavily and inhales again* okay..." I keep breathing heavily. Yet repeatedly.

He pats the empty space next to him on the bench, signalling me to sit. I did. Cause I felt like I couldnt breathe. I didnt stop a centimeter on the way here. I look at the time. Eh... We have 3 hours before departing. We can wait and talk for a while.

Aarons POV:-

--4 hours before--

Its 5am. No one should be awake by this time. Not even Laf, I dont think. Theres a schedule, you see. Days like Saturday, Sunday, holidays, etc., at night, theres always at least 1 or 2 drunk students roaming around the corridors and you can hear them slam against your dorm door. It so loud, even earmuffs cant keep your ears from it.

Anyways, I always wake up at this time to look at the sunrise. Knowing one day, is the last day I might see it ever again.

It calms me to hear the birds chirping in the morning, the peaceful corridors and the sounds of my footsteps on the tiles. No one here to get on my nerves, no one here to annoy me, no sound here that can be heard. Just... Calming sounds of nature. At this time, is the best time to relax. People do that.

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