Announcement - Chapter 18

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Not an actual announcement. Just the Chapter name.

3rd Person POV :-

The day after their confession and love that has been kept away for so long last night, they decided to tell everyone. Not literally the whole school but just their friends. Yes, including Lafayette. They still hadnt had the guts to call him 'Laf' even if the frenchman insisted.

Anyways, the rest of last night was just some little kisses, cuddling, singing, guitar playing, walking, holding hands and the last for Aaron, sending James back to his dorm.


It was 9:18 a.m. and the two walked over to the cafeteria together but were not holding hands since they didnt want to drag attention to others. Yet anyways. Today, Aaron was finally smiling after so long. Once they sat down with the others, they realized that and was both confused and shocked. Aarons real smile, right in front of them. Other students realized this too and was also confused. Aaron had never smiled this bright ever that people even got confused why Thomas and Charles were wearing sunglasses that looked like they bought it from the dollar store. (this idea was based on a drawing I did but I lost the book qwq)

James decided to ask, " Why are you guys wearing sunglasses and crying?" while pointing at Charles then Thomas the Charles again and then Thomas.

Charles sniffed and replied, " Aarons smile is so bright, its too beautiful for us" and he sobbed.

" Yes but, today is different. Not in a bad way but Aaron, youre smiling!" Sammy exclaimed and smiled, also looking like he was about to tear up too.

" So, what did we miss, anyways?" Thomas asked, finally taking off his glasses and settling them down.

" Well.... James and I.... Are--" Aaron didnt get to finish his sentence when all of the sudden, he heard Laf and Becky come to the table, as fast as Flash could run with their eyes shining with glimmers of hope.

" --DATING!?!?" The frenchman and the girl in pink and purple said in unison, loud enough for the other students in the whole room to hear.

" Is it true!?" the group asked in unison, not anymore confused but was still left shocked.

" Uh... Yes... We are and...." Aaron said and finished, " keep it down, you two!!" he scolded Laf and Becky for screaming and they muttered a small 'sorry' but loud enough for the others to hear at least.

" Called it! King, 20 dollars, buddy" Charles said, putting out his right hand as King rolled his eyes and slapped down two tens on them. Charles now had a devious smirk plastered on his face and saw if King counted right. " Thank you!~" Charles sang, shoving the two tens down his pocket. " You betted on us??" James said, looking a bit confused but assumed they did. Sammy sighed and responded for them, " Yes. I told them not to but... Theyre too stubborn to listen at all" and James nodded.

" But anyways, when did you confess and who did it first??" Becky asked, standing up in a much straight position and so did Laf. "Oui, mon ami. Last night? Yesterday? Zis morning??" Laf continued for her.

Aaron and James smiled softly and exchanged glances. " Last night. Aaron prepared everything and it was so beautiful" James said, closing his eyes to remember the sight from last night. It was, in fact, beautiful. Aaron had put everything else away after he sent James and he was still tired but he didnt regret anything. He smiled at the thought.

" Well... Whos next? Whos gonna confess to their crush next?" Thomas started. He looked at Becky. "Not me. I got no one" Becky replied, knowing Thomas was going to ask her. " Laf?" he looked at Laf and he looked a bit red. " Well... Oui but... Not now at least. Je ne sais pas... Quand.... But... Soon I hope" Laf responds, blushing like a mad man and was smiling sheepishly. Thomas turned to Charles. " Charles? Anyone at all?" " Uh... I have a crush but.... I dont wanna talk about him" Charles said, looking down with a clearly sad face. " Well... Okay, I wont push you there. King?" Thomas then turned his gaze towards King. " Uh... No, actually. No" he didnt blush so Thomas guessed he was telling the truth and didnt have any crushes. " Now, last but not least, Sammy. Anyone at all, Sam?" Thomas was now looking at Sammy but he shook his head and said a simple, " Nope!" and smiled soft. At this time without anyone really paying attention to the couple much, they were actually holding hands under the table.

Seconds later, they heard the asshole we all know and.... Love.... Hamilton. He was pushing everyone through the crowd and called for Laf and Laf, the one who now swears to protect Aaron, went to Hamilton before he got to their table.

" So.... Aaron and James, huh?" Charles said with a smug look. " How long?" he asked. " What do you mean?" James asked, not really understanding his question. " I mean like... How long have you guys been hiding the secret from eachother?" and this time, they both understood. Aaron was first to reply, " Since the second week of the first semester" and then James. " Since the day I laid eyes on him"

" Guys!" someone yelled. It was Reynolds and Damian! Heck, have they not been in this fanfic for a while? " Reynolds! And... Damian.. Right?" Charles asked and Damian nodded. " So.... Wanna tell us about Australia? Or do you guys wanna keep it a secret?" Thomas asked and smirked. James punched Thomas' arm and scolded him. " Oww! Okay, I was just kidding!!" He exclaimed at James' response. They laughed and and joined the group to eat and started talking about Australia.

So.... Their love has been forged together, Aaron is not as sad as he usually is, and hey, at least Aaron is happy even the slightest, right? And that love story goes beyond. They stay truthful for eachother. They swear to stay together till death do them part. This love story has a true power couple and this love story might never end. Ever.

This is the last Chapter for this book and I hoped you guys liked the story and stuff. Anyways, I had been busy and I couldnt write daily but I managed to finish my fics for you guys to read. I may be write an epilogue but well.... We'll see. Loaf yalls, Damian out.

Word count : 1087

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