I dont remember... - Chapter 14

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James' POV :-

I start thinking of solutions on how to calm Aaron down. I start by patting his back with my right hand and held his both hands with the other left.

I started,

"Aaron, calm down. Are you okay? Is something wrong? Cmon, you can just tell me..... Please stop crying....."

It unfortunately didnt work at all. He kept crying more, pulling away his hands slowly and hid his face. He ducked down as he put his hoodie over his head and continued to sob. Blood started coming out more faster and I wonder how he is not in pain. Unless he is but hides it.

I get more worried over Aarons wellbeing. Hes so in pain. Hasnt he been through enough?? Hasnt all the stages in life already affected him at all? If so, what part and what role?

Who was he before he became like this? This.... This I imagine, a perfectly happy and smiling man in front of me, happy enough to be satisfied with the life he is going through that God himself made. God made him this to see if it is worth his life to kill himself, or stay alive and live the best moments. Find love... Have a family... Go on adventures.... And so on...

I shouldnt try to even date him. Hes probably not into guys for all I know!!! He would hate me. I think I would rather just be his friend other than telling him I love him more as a friend and leaves me. I want to stay with him. I want to protect him. I want him to be happy and safe. I want him to live.

Life is a horrible thing and I know it. But Aarons emotions and feelings make me cant understand it. I mean I do! Except I dont know how he can and does. What happened in his life that made it worse? How old was he even when that time happened? And when did it happen?? Its all going so fast now and I cant see straight with my head unable to focus with those questions going over my brains, I feel like popping into a million pieces. It hurts to say I feel like popping like a balloon. Im only hurt because Aaron is and I dont want him to. For the sake of him, God, just let him go. Hes too hurt to go through this... Just leave him alone. Hes been through enough pain already, hasnt he?

Aaron's POV :-

I wake up, suddenly in my bed. Just a second ago, I was crying in a booth in front of James, covering up my tears and pain and the next, Im in my bed in my dorm. I feel something cold on my arms. I realized my sleeves are folded up and see cottons absorbed with some kind of water on my cuts. By that, I mean all of them. All 374 cuts, covered with cotton. Im guessing that the water are painkillers. I dont really need them because I wasnt even in pain but whoever did this, thinks I am.

I hear faint footsteps coming from my door. Charles comes in and looks shocked. Maybe because I was awake or maybe because my cuts are pretty much exposed.

Did Charles find out I cut myself? And how? How did he feel about this? How much did it affect him? Did he do this to me?

He starts tearing up and now Im in shock. Why is he crying. He looks down, hands clenching into a fist and still crying. Im still in shock though. I felt bad. He looks back up slowly and now his face was already red from crying. He comes running at me, and screamed.


Now, I am confused. He hugs me like he hasnt seen me in ages or like I was dead for that one day. Like I never existed. Or like I was invincible for a day and they worked so hard, day and night, looking for me. Is this friendship? Is this the beautiful moment people say? Like when friends always have your back? Was my old, broken, locked up friendship with Hamilton a lie? We were never friends, were we? He was just there... But not for me..

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