Chapter 5 ~ Short Chapter!!

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Washingtons POV :-

Charles Lee.... Hmm.... Hes a very good student for a whole 2 years. The best, I could say...

Charles Lee... Ive heard stories about him from several schools. A troublemaker, gangster, savage.... Id like to look forward into meeting him. Kids lile him should be going to school here.

"Mr. Lee... This must be your son. Charles? Am I correct?"

"Yes, sir. He will be with you until he breaks 3 rules. If he does, he will not be here again"

"Understood. But I promise you, sir. He will be staying here longer than any other school he has attended"

Mr. Lee chuckled as he nodded, then shaking my hand. I look over to Charles and see his eyes, ready to strike up a huge mess in the school hall once he gets in. Though, I know how to handle these type of kids. Take Fredrick George for instance. He used to be reckless, selfish and now, he is just a mannered young man.

I take him into the school and he started moving already. But I knew how to deal with him. Stage 1, questions.

"So... What type of ru--"

"Like any other school, but, kids like you should know..."

"know... What??"



"whatever rule you break..."

"Come on! Just tell me!!"

"You wont be sent to another school ever again. You will stay here until you have learned to be a mannered student"

He scoffed and asked,

"Heh... And if I dont?"

"If you dont... You will have no choice... But to get a punishment"

"Like im afraid..."

"Oh really? Cause I know what keeps you up at night. Face it, kid. Youre afraid of someone in every school you transfer to. You break rules so that youll be free from them. Right? You only wanted to be alone. You never wanted anyone to enter your life. So you decided to push them away. No. You wanted to push yourself away from everyone else. Youre only close to some people to act normal but deep down, youre just someone whos just lost, confused... Scared.. Am I correct?"

There was a few seconds of silence between us until he finally spoke,

"Truth is... Im not lost... I just... I had a friend who transfered schools here. I knew many things about him. Ive been doing bad things to make sure I get to go to this school. Just to find him... To protect him. From himself..."

"And... Who is he??"


"Aaron Burr, sir. We were friends for a long time...."

"I see... What kind of problems does he have?? I think I can find a way to help him. Maybe..."

"Thanks but... He will refuse. I wanna surprise him..."

I have to say... Hes very very protective of his friends. All of them now... Hes a good boy. Soon, a great man.

Like I said on the title, its a short chapter! So... Yeah.. Thats all, folks!

(Im sorry... It just brings back memories)

Word count : 503

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